NightRage here,welcome to Episode.02 of League of legends guides
II. Within a LoL match.
After you have joined a match, you will be taken to the champion select screen. Here you can choose from your available champions the one you would like to play for the next match. Later in the guide I will be using the champion Ashe as an example, so if she is not on free rotation and you do not own her, you should do a few matches and earn theBE to buy her. She only costs 450BE, so it should only take a few matches to be able to buy her. Once you have 450BE go to the store, select champions, and find Ashe from the list of champions.
On the champion select screen you will also notice a section for choosing runes and masteries, as well as two boxes for summoner spells. You won't need to worry too much about runes or masteries until later on, but summoner spells are quite important even at the very beginning. For the purposes of this guide, just take ghost and teleport. These spells may not be the best choices for all champions, and as you unlock additional spells and become more familiar with your champions, you will discover other spell combinations that can be quite useful, but for now, ghost and teleport will suffice. After these choices have been made, you will see a loading screen and after a brief delay the actual match will begin.
Once the match begins your champion will spawn at one of the corners of the map with the rest of your team. Immediately next to where you spawn, you will see a structure that is known as the shop. You can purchase items from it by clicking on the small green button near the bottom left corner of your screen. More on the shop later.
If you look at the mini-map in the bottom right corner of your screen, you will notice that there are three diverging paths leading connecting the bottom left and the top right corners of the screen. These are called lanes Each lane contains six structures (three for each team) known as towers which attack nearby enemies. Creatures known as minions spawn in groups at the nexus, which is right next to where the champions spawn, and proceed in a line down the lanes. Once they arrive at a tower, they attack it.
The area between the lanes is known as the jungle. Within the jungle are additional creatures grouped together at specific spawn points. Some of these creatures are especially powerful, and grant the champion which kills them a buff, which makes the champion more powerful. These creatures are the Lizard, the Golem, the Dragon, and Baron Nashor. More on these later.
In order to win the game, a team must destroy the towers of the other team leading into the enemy team's base. Once they have destroyed the third turret in a lane, they can destroy the inhibitor of that lane, which allows more powerful minions to spawn at the destroying team's base. Finally, the two nexus turrets must be destroyed, exposing the nexus itself. When the nexus is destroyed, the match is over and the team that destroyed it wins.
A match is divided into three phases: the laning phase, the mid game, and late game. In the laning phase, champions from each team meet at the middle of a lane and engage each other's minion waves. Typically the focus of this phase is to prepare for a successful midgame, so often champions will not aggressively attack the enemy team. Sometimes, though, a team will shift champions from lane to lane in the hopes of creating a numerical advantage in order to execute a gank, or attack on an enemy champion or group of champions. During the mid game, the champions on a team typically group up and try to destroy the enemy team's towers in order to prepare for the final assault on the enemy base. Finally, in during the late game teams will engage in 5v5 teamfights in the hopes of killing enemy champions and rendering the nexus undefended. Matches sometimes do not even last into the late game, having been finished during the mid game.