A-Z Gaming challenge (3) - 12 Labours of Hercules

in gaming •  7 years ago 

This is a game that I have not yet played until today. I do have a lot of such games, which I bought on some sort of sale and never played since then. And if I had not promised myself to go through my whole Steam library in alphabetical order I would probably not have fired it up.


The game consists of a series of screens with maps for the player to clear and fulfil different tasks, mostly through a proxy in the form of servants. Hercules is mostly resting in his hammock, getting up only to do the major jobs a.k.a labours. The main challenge of the game is to figure out to complete quests (clear the map) so that Hercules can do the major task of the map and this consists of gathering big cheeses, chopping down trees, building farms, repairing broken bridges and collecting gold. The gameplay is not complicated - you just indicate to the servants what they should do next and they do it Civilisation-style (on a small scale, though). I'd say it's a perhaps mini-strategy game.

So my overall assessment is:

My personal enjoyment of the game (PEG)6/10
Playability and smoothness (PS)8/10
Niceness to the eye (NE)5/10
Music and sound effects (MSE)4 /10
Concept and originality (CO)7/10
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