it was nice to be able to meet with you again which is always read tentnag my experience and I am very grateful, who is not familiar with the game can give the hobby you into the game, the game can also be treating you guys who rarely memacing outside, yap and today I tell the game with the thing that is Euro fishing game, like what my story, keep follow me and read my post until finished. there may be many things I can share about my experience with this game, especially for those of you who like the same hobby me is fishing, and of course fishing in the game much more different.
and cheer for myself in because my first time playing a fishing game on the PC if the clay far backward, the beginning I play fishing game is on the console PS1 is fisherman bait 2 is already legendary and provide a game that is quite satisfying with some challenges with the fish the monster that can be said quite complicated to get, maybe in a few years ago this fishing game has a lack of graphics that are less satisfactory, yea reasonable with Console PS1 certainly have flaws in each graph, but for my age once such a full game challenges and pleasures of its own and in my opinion have been very good with a challenge in the form of a monster fish after being captured almost full-screen television and I can sometimes make me surprised by it.
the more forward the development continues to increase by giving many changes ayng happen, but the game is not in the out in some console like PS2, even PS4, as far as I know, in because I also do not have PS4, and my hobby to continue fishing in the world real, yap very interesting and very have the patience high to lure a fish who do not know its existence in a vast ocean, of course this is also in the lift by some renowned developers to provide games with a real fishing sensation.
of course it also gets appreciation for how gamers are also a hobby with fishing, and it is also this game launched in various console especially on PC, for the first time to play this game, you are given a tutorial that I think is mandatory for you follow, because for the future so that no trouble to get ikan.dan many benefits if you follow every turorial given, so my advice do not be lazy to follow every tutorial contained in every game.
for you beginners or new to play this game, my suggestion you must take as directive so that you do not always at say beginner in every game, okay we return again to discussion of this game of fishing, if you pay attention this game, in this game only have some spot for fishing, maybe not big, but you will be given every point to be fishing, and for those of you who have pahambetul with some fishing spots, you will know where the number of fish, the same thing I paa when I play this game, I chose the spot that there are many fish jumps in the water, you can see it by paying attention to every region there.
and if you've found a good fishing spot, be prepared to set up a tent and put a bait on some of the fishing rods you've been prepared, and you'll wait for the fish to eat the bait, maybe your mind will be that simple, of course not, which only has the bait given in this game, it is likely to be difficult to get the desired amount of fish, and better this game in play with an active player will you more motivated by the score you have to achieve, and once again all it does it is easy, in this game there is also a skill that can be open, but not just skill, but you open every fishing accessories and all the bait.
of course so you guys get a good quality of fish and it will be useful if you want to get some fish that has a high specification with threads and lure berkalitas, of course this is not in the game I've ever played on the PS1 console, but you guys who want to provide experience catch the monster fish in Euro Fishing game, get ready to challenge from other pkkayer ready to beat you with extraordinary big score, of course it will make you will not give up easily, so also with me.
in this game also there are many type and type of fish, of course the sensai interesting fish is different with different levels and the quality of fish that will be in, of course this also makes this game has different levels of different games, and this which is also the hallmark of every existing fishing game, and the fish you can also be a collection and will open every image of the fish that is in the catch reference in your inventory menu.
and in this game also has a tournament on certain days that you can follow, of course if you want to follow the tournament you must have a lot of good feedback and quality of fishing is good enough, so as not to lose in every given tournament, and soon get a monster fish that will have many points, but I also find some weaknesses in this game that is at night that there is not enough vision.
of course it makes us feel annoyed if facing the middle of the night that will make our view to be minimal, but this game also does not leave some flaws that there is no solution, yap is the solution to the rod that will sound and give color if our fishing bait will in eating, of course it can help us in emmancing at night.
maybe that's all I can give from my experience playing this game, by giving insight in every tutorial kaian will become proficient in fishing, of course it also has patience and, of course will feel bored with the condition of silence, if you ingkin play with friend you guys, this game can you buy from steam that already provide this game with reasonable price, I @papagamers farewell from before you all I hope you can play this game with fun.