in gaming •  6 years ago 

Hello Looters! (SPOILER ALERT)
My fifth LOOTGAMING unboxing is here and I’m having a neutral feeling about this box..


I actually had it sitting around for a while before I even opened it.. trust me, I'm glad I wasn't in a hurry..


Open it up, first glance, I see #Overwatch characters and some Metroid figure.. hmm…


Going further into the gaming crate.. we’re looking a little light on the value side so far..


Well, there’s two Overwatch items in here and I was happy with those items but..


The overall contents are super lacking in this crate.. Besides those items, there’s the Metroid figure which I wont say anything bad about, but the Destiny Ghost keychain killed it for me.. Even if I was a huge fan of Destiny I’m not sure I’d be all about sporting a Pancaked Ghost figure with my keys..


I’m pretty happy they chose to add an item you would have to build on your own and I haven’t played in a while but I definitely kicked some ass in Overwatch and had some fun so I will make this eventually and it will be on my shelf soon enough.. if I can find room..


Like it says, Punch Out, Build, Color. It seems a lot simpler than the Gundum figures I’ve made in the past and I’ll have to color it up and give it a personal touch.

Overall this crate felt lackluster. At first glance I was teased with the Overwatch stuff and then disappointed with just about everything else as I went further into the crate expecting more. I enjoyed the “Pew Pew” pin but even that theme didn’t seem to fit this crate..

In terms of this crate, I’d say I’m leaning more negative from the neutral line, but will maintain a “Neutral” grade for other gamers. If you aren't into Overwatch this crate’s going to probably disappoint you.. Let's see what the next crate brings..


I’m purposely picky when it comes to these crates and just because I thought a game was great, doesn't mean I'm going to personally find much use for the stuff, let alone have room for more stuff on my shelves!


Gamer | Designer | Architectural Draftsman | Full Time Nerd

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