League of legends! - Top 5 Reasons on why you should play!steemCreated with Sketch.

in gaming •  7 years ago 

Hi, My name is Thomas! Here are 10 reasons why you SHOULD! play League of legends! League of legends is a strategy game that revolves around destroying the enemy nexus located in the middle of there base before they have a chance to take yours. Even if you already play the game, you might find this useful to get a friend onto the game!

Lets begin..

  1. e-Sport Following : Weather or not you've heard of famous teams like TSM or SKT there is no doubt that League of Legends is the most active competetive scence. The develpoper of League of legends, Riot Games, holds tournements worldwide including the prestigist championship series where pros compete for a prize of a million dollars! In 2015 Riot had a world record of 36 million uniqe veigwers from around the world. Thats a number that is higher then the NBA finals at the same year. Pretty much everyone who played the game or was a fan of it was watching. Its only natrual to want to watch the best in the world to competive for there lively hoods like gladiators in a arena, or watch there players who are practicly celebreties in the League of Legends community. The atmosphere in the stadium can get pretty intense. You can even place bets on the matches if you're the gambling type to inhance the experience. Understamdabley a new commer to the game would not have much of a clue on what the hell is going on in the match, but the more you get to know about the game the more enjoyable it becomes to watch.

  2. Social Aspect: League of Legends is a 5v5 team base game so its enebitabal you are going to have to interact with other people. Unfortunetly, you can run into some pretty 'cancerous' people like any other multiplayer game. You would be suprised how nice people can be and the frindships you can create simpley by playing a game of League of Legends.

  3. Your skills : A big reason why people pick up League of Legends and end up hating it or even stop playing it is because they keep on getting destoryed over and over which is not very fun. It can get pretty boring waiting to respawn just to die again. What makes the game fun is starting to build up skill and being able to confidently help your team and pick up kills. Watching guides will help you dramatically! The more you put in the more you get out of it

  4. The potential to make money: Because League of Legends is extreamly exciting to watch as i mentoined earlier is that it has developed a very competetive gaming scence with prize pools of millions of dollars and sponors lining up to catch players of extreamly high skill level. If you end up having a natrual talent for the game you might one day be able to get scouted out from professinal teams where you will be payed alot. You can also live stream it to thosuands of people getting donations from veigwers all across the world.

  5. The game is free : With other games are pay to win League of Legends is a completely free game. In League of Legends you dont have to spend money to buy or unlock champions. Everytime you win a game you get XP. At the end of every level you are given an in game currency called "Blue Essence". This is then spent on buying champions. Once you are in the game you can choose to purchases some cosmetics such as new skins and new wards.

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