...but I still haven't played it and am unlikely to end up doing so as well. For a variety of reasons.
The game looks incredible and this is exactly the sort of game that I really enjoyed back in the earlier days of PC gaming. Although this game looks like it is probably pretty graphically demanding, the ones I enjoyed back in the day didn't require super powerful rigs and if they did, you were probably unaware that the speed on your particular machine was lacking because the last I recall playing a game like this, such as the original Baldur's Gate, we didn't have YouTube channels to compare our own FPS to. Plus, cinematic interludes were rare back in those days since the game normally needed to fit on a couple of CD's.... NOT DVD's because they didn't exist yet.
At the moment I have two computers. One that I use for work that is a $300 Dell and is less than a year old and the other one is an ASUS Predator that originally cost $1500. It was a beast of a machine when I first got it 6 years ago, but these days I am pretty sure that it is actually slower than my $300 Dell. Technology changes a lot in over half a decade.
The next reason why I have not played it and am unlikely to do so is because while I love these sorts of D&D inspired games, I do not enjoy playing them on consoles. The enormous menus and tons of options available on screen are something I find extremely tedious with a controller and the fact that my eyes are not what they used to be is also a reason for me to not want to get involved. These type of games are typically optimized for someone playing on PC sitting a couple of feet from a 25 inch monitor. I game on a 55 inch TV that is across the room from me. I will give up on a game rather quickly if I have to constantly stand up to see what is even written on the screen. When these games get ported to consoles, I think (but do not know for sure) that the devs tend to stick with the PC design, but simply change the input controls. They do not adjust the size of the font because look how full that screen is already? I don't fault them for this. If I really wanted to play I could move a chair closer to the screen I suppose.
The last and possibly most important reason that I am unlikely to end up playing this game is because unless I am missing something here, it isn't even available on PS4. I do not have a PS5 and have not felt inclined to purchase one just yet. I stopped being an early adopter of technology many years ago and while I realize that the PS5 has been out for years now, I still feel like the PS4 is a viable gaming machine and am not going to upgrade until I absolutely must.
Plus, lately I am still in the gaming duldrums where I don't really feel like playing any game all that much so for me to run out and spend $500 on a new machine would be a bit stupid.
So if you are enjoying BG3 then I kind of envy you, especially if you are playing it on a high-powered PC. If the only way I can ever play this game is on a console, I think I am unlikely to ever play it. Instead, I will just enjoy videos of other people enjoying their game. From what I understand the game is extremely long and has a TON of endings as well, so that is amazing.