IntroduceYourself - GamingForFame

in gamingforfame •  8 years ago 

At some point i knew that at anytime the YouTube ride was going to be over, but it happened so fast it was crazy... The timing of the #adpocolypse with great thanks to the NY Times wasn't exactly what i was expecting as my biggest present the Christmas of 2016.

Monday, February 6, 2012 - Estimated earnings: $3,740.96 - Page views: 119,715 - Impressions: 128,693 - Clicks: 12,699 - Page RPM: $38.63 - Impression RPM: $35.94

#GamingForFame was going to be my next big thing being a famous #YouTuber at that time going on almost 4 years. Some bad news, since i am new to all this steemit stuff, and still in my crawling stage lol... i kind of fucked up and didn't backup my password for the first account i created on here @somethingnewnow which sucks because that ties everything together in all ways... I doubt that i could ever recover that account either right? As far as i know, i have no idea...

2014-05-03 19.03.56

PSN: SomethingNewNow ADD ME! My car collection -
Gaming For Fame explained by myself -

Sorry all this is going to be the long version of my introduction regarding my Gaming For Fame startup...

#gamingforfame #startup #development #theprocess #youtuberlife #youtube #youtuber #MakinMoves #makinghistory #grind #celebrityguest #famousclients #work #WorkHard #playharder

I am the owner, creator, developer, CEO, etc. of Something New Now Media Promotions aka SNN for short... #SomethingNewNow just to tie it all together, click that hashtag to see all relevant posts by me from all my BRANDS on this platform & all over the web. I have kind of a billion type of feather in my hat, over 7 billion unique hits on all that i have shared since i created SNN in 2009. Something that is even incredible for me to even grasps...

I work & have worked with very famous people from famous YouTubers, celebrities, signed musical artist, corporations, brands, startups, etc. all over the world. OK now in December of 2016 with all my YouTube video content on all of my channels, around 35 at that time, with over 7000 videos combined, i was making over $450 per day with AdSense, at times over $1200 in a day. Then i wasn't anymore, YouTube deleted my channels including the YouTube Brands (channels) that i developed from NOTHING.

2016-02-11 14.55.08
2016-02-19 15.52.24
2016-01-09 14.47.57
2016-01-08 21.40.18
@realinthafield #MakinMoves #SomethingNewNow #business

#beverlyhills #beverlyhillspawn #SomethingNewNow #MakinMoves

#SomethingNewNow #MakinMoves #makinghistory #grind #celebrityguest #famousclients #eddieb #producer




@stealthy027 #ECC

Studio work with #TheExoticboyz #streetfamestudios making moves  #exoticboyzmovement @exoticboyz_cnyce @tufftonyexoticboyz #weworking #studiolife more to come watch out

The most money i made in 1 day (22 hours) with 1 video on 3 channels was $5600+


They include the following, some are currently being rebuilt by myself on here, for instance High Speed Pursuits or HSP for short, (HighSpeedPursuits on YouTube) @highspeedpursuit & The Massive Truth (TheMassiveTruth1 on YouTube) @themassivetruth . I had multiple spinoff's from those brands including a series of channels featuring my very talented clients content... I had around 9 police orientated content YouTube channels including Crazy Police Videos, High Speed Pursuits 2 thru 7 featuring dashcam content, bodycam videos, raw footage, etc. HSP was special not just for the money i was making but my channels were used by thousands of LEO's & police departments all over the world for training, education, etc.

#ViralVideosJedi #YouTube #YouTuber #youtuberlife #adsense #grind #Work #business #money #hardworkpaysoff #SomethingNewNow My 3 big YouTube channel totals for the period of 1-1-2015 to 9-22-2015 are: #HighSpeedPursuits $21,225.76 #TheMassiveTruth1 $12,493

#youtuberlife #YouTuber #HighSpeedPursuits about to break $25K for the year 2015! The real money for 2015 is $13,733.31 & YouTube RED is $17.00 #Google loves to rape #US the #FamousYouTuber

#youtuberlife #YouTuber #youtube #ViralVideos #ViralVideosJedi about to break 42,000,000 minutes watch time with 10,228,651 views.

#FamousYouTuber #YouTube #YouTuber #youtuberlife #ViralVideosJedi 20,347,956 minutes watch time about to break 3,000,000 video views today!

#adsense #youtuberlife #ViralVideos #ViralVideosJedi #SomethingNewNow

#youtuberlife #ViralVideos #ViralVideosJedi #adsense

Yes i do have my own Official U.S. Postage Stamp that rumor is true...


Most of my family is or was in law enforcement from local, county, state, military, corrections to federal departments with just 3 letters. I went a different route i was in the entertainment & music business, but i never really used my own fame in what i do. It wasn't until a couple years ago that i started using who i am, DJ, Mix Master Ace (since 1983) in what i do. I have worked with a famous YouTuber named Jason Probst aka Minecraft Universe or TruMU. Anyways during a promotional video shoot at his pad in Granada Hills, CA. with Waka Flocka Flame & DJ Whoo Kid i dropped who i was... DJ Whoo Kid said i was one of the DJ's that inspired him to get into the DJ game & Waka was also a fan of who i was in Hip Hop being a legend. I won't go too much into who i am with this account, i just wanted to give all of you a wee bit of the back story of how Gaming For Fame was born, and later deleted by YouTube.

And if you all really need some proof as to all of this, who i am, etc. it isn't that hard to figure out, do your homework before you come at me crazy. The difference in someone making shit up and talking shit or what ever is that i can back up all that i say.

2014-05-24 17.26.38

So anyways long-story short since almost all of my YouTube accounts were connected in some way via Google+ and my communities, post's etc. it wasn't long before all of my YouTube accounts were deleted. But i beat them i created other accounts and before they could do me anymore worse i tossed off most of my suspended accounts to useless other Google+ accounts. Since i found that flaw in the Google system, i believe it's been patched or at least they make it harder to gain access to YouTube again once your banned. Also as they say if your channel is deleted your not allowed to own any other channels, old or new.

DSCF2366 1

Again my channels were deleted for no reason, they stated that my channels had too many community guideline strikes, i had NONE. They claimed i had copyright strikes after i wanted proof of the other strikes, again no proof was ever given to me. All i get is the drab robotic responses from their automated system. It was there bots that deleted my channels. I have won every false claim made against my channels either copyright claims, community strikes etc. I know the law, have family that makes laws, i never lost a case against me. Almost all of the Los Angeles area TV stations had me on speed dial, and as always i won their claims against my 'Fair Use' protection of using their content. Dashcams are also public record in case you were wondering about that, same as bodycams. Raw Arial news footage from any source without banners, watermarks etc. is also public record.



Anyways, Gaming For Fame was going to be a YouTube series that was captured by all who took part in the gameplay, including the celebrities we would be playing with. It was going to be edited by some of the best editors in the industry, possibly written & scripted by some other very seriously talented people in the industry. It would of been a first of it's kind of entertainment. It was also going to be live streamed as it was being produced. And each charactor in the story-line, would have their own developed brand with a fan-base, their own branded merch, etc. Being the producer, developer, creator, editor, talent, etc. of all this would of been HUGE as fuck but... The problem now is since YouTube went tits up i couldn't sign off and accept the $75K investment per episode that was offered to me. In no way would i want to be on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars without a source for the finished product to return the initial investment, plus some profits for good measure of course. The failure of YouTube for creative people, the current content creators, the ones that depend on that for a living, a business, etc. it sucks!

It still would of been sick leasing a beach house in the O.C. & playing video games with famous people as a career... Of course the YouTube thing was only the start, we would of sold it or developed it for a LIVE Twitch show, something else that was being developed, then onto Netflix as a series released every couple months, produced around the world...


Look and if you take my idea, again this is all my OWN creation i will happily see you in court after you make a shit ton of money or course...

@miniwithayoutube #newartwork #mini #miniwithayoutube #minicoopers #coopers #minilove #minilife

2016-01-27 17.20.25

2016-02-11 14.04.30

2016-01-09 15.11.47

I really really miss my #MiniWithAYouTube a lot, when Google destroyed me, my car got reposed... This was also another YouTube Brand i was developing with Galpin Auto Sports (G.A.S.), Nelson Racing Engines, Westcoast Customs & my client & friend Mad Mike from Pimp My Ride fame.

2015-12-20 17.00.09

Anyways kids i hope that any of this long ass introduction kind of gives you a insight as to what is coming... I might be a bit delayed in this venture but it's far from not happening. I think DTube is the perfect home for Gaming For Fame.

Until our next Bat-Adventure stay thirsty my friendz...

Google: SomethingNewNow #timclarksnn #TimDawg #ceo #dj #mixmasterace #producer #director #consultant #mediamogul #youtuber #MakinMoves #creativedirector #tv #film #newmedia #gamingforfame #gamerlife #music #startup #djlife #promoter #radio #marketing #vis


Tim Clark (SNN)
Producer, Creator & Developer
Gaming For Fame

1920X1080 SNNZ1

OH GREAT NEWS... My other account @planetdjmma was just approved, now i have even more work to do... Follow all my current accounts on here for MORE & MORE peace....


Oh and one last thing i am still looking for this guy my old long lost friend, last seen in Fontana, CA. MC Dizzy Daze aka Rick Pierce...

mixmasterace Pics Of Tim and Chris (550)

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Salam kenal kawan, saya pengguna steemit di Aceh Indonesia

Enlightenment highly anticipated by steem users, thanks @gamingforfame for the post, may be useful for all users of steemit in the world.

Steemit advanced and became number one in the World

I am Steemit novice from Indonesia. I am still confused how to set some text on the post. I hope there are people who can help and guide me. thanks.


Thank You for the comment! Ya i think i screwed up this post myself the pictures should of been side by side of something? I have no idea myself, i am also learning but i have a lot of experience with things, HTML for instance i am a wizard with that... I guess others who possibly see this post can explain what we are doing wrong lol...

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