How to Prepare for GAMSAT Physics

in gamsat •  4 years ago 

Section 3 of the GAMSAT exam tend to feel difficult for those sitting the GAMSAT, and the physics questions especially. Many students end up ignoring the questions, not realizing that physics questions can actually be a great place to boost your score.

Why is that? It’s because the GAMSAT is structured so that the more difficult questions carry more weight in terms of score.

Now, the big question is, what’s the best way to study for these physics questions? The best way to do it is by practicing. There are too many topics in physics to cover, and it’s easy to get lost in them. But you’ll find that it’s easier to navigate them when you practice questions.

TIP #1: Make sure to peruse the stem, make a note of all the relevant information, and answer the question without a time limit at first. If you find that you’re having trouble with the question, that’s cue to study the topic more.

TIP #2: Break down the topics as much as you can, in order to laser-focus on sections and consolidate your understanding.

TIP #3: Do as many questions as you can. You’ll end up covering all the topics eventually, and you’ll be able to skip topics which don’t usually appear on the exam.

TIP #4: Give yourself a time limit once you’ve gotten used to answering the physics questions. Give yourself around one and a half minutes for each question because that’s just about how much time you get during the actual exam.

TIP #5: The GAMSAT is an exam that’s meant to test your reasoning and problem-solving skills. It’s important to remember that, so that you know not to try and remember the steps to answering a question because that won’t be of much help when you’re taking the exam.

TIP #6: On the day of the exam, you should try to answer as many questions as you can. The first time you go through the questions in the exam, skip questions that you feel will take a lot of your time and answer everything that can be solved with minimal problem first. After you’re done with the first round, go through the questions a second time and spend the time you have left on those more difficult questions.

For more information, check out our full article here:


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