My garden. A Positivity Challenge (day 2) and Tranquility Blog

in garden •  6 years ago 

Being in my 2nd year of gardening to provide for my family and I can still tell that there is so much I don't know. I learn as I go and sometimes that means that I end up killing a couple of plants and even though that is something I must accept, it still breaks my heart.


I have a medecine and flower garden in a raised bed located in the middle of my backyard where 2 white pines grow and a jack pine in the middle. There I have been growing a variety of plants from white sage, lavender, calendula, chamomile, amaranth and a small rose bush to flowers like moon lily, lily of the valley, pansies and some that I don't remember the name of.





Next year I will add more flowers and more medicine plants as well. These are just a few pictures of what I have.

In the greenhouse I have planted a whole bunch of items like tomatoes, peas, peppers, hot peppers, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, herbs etc. Some are probably not meant to go in there but with the short summer seasons I think it's worth it. We even got a pea pod ready and was our very first pick out of the veggies. My son loved it!


In front of the greenhouse outside I have been growing carrots, parsnips, turnips, onions, beets, squash, zucchini and pumpkin and jerusalem artichoke.



What is humbling about gardening about all this is that this is the healthiest form of foods that I can give to my children. I can give them a good boost at life by starting with the best food I can offer them.

When I go through my garden, I find most peace within myself. I don't think about my problems, my feelings, the chaos of the outside world and I am so very thankful for that. All I think about it is taking care of these plants as we depend on them. I respect them and when I see more growth, more fruit, I feel like I have done something great, like if I am passing this test of life. Strange but it's true.

It is an escape to get out there barefoot, ground with the soil beneath my feet, breath in the fresh air and take in the vitamins from the sun. A wonderful place to be.

One thing to think about when gardening that has proven to be a challenge for me is the quantities. How much of what do I need for a family of 5 to last as long as possible. And to add to that, the long process of canning (jarring) all of what is picked so that it doesn't go bad and can last through the winter. It is a lot of work but something to be appreciated.

To all of you that are awesome gardners, to those that are just starting this great adventure, I say thank you. Through some of you I have learned more, I have learned more respect to the people for their hard work and I think the world thanks you as well ^_^

Happy growing!

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You’ve got quite a lot going on :0)

I can really relate to what you are saying about your gardening. It’s the same for me. I have the tendency to overthink everything in life, and the only time in my life that I am able to stop that constant stream of thoughts is when I’m in the garden taking care of my veggies.
In my garden, there’s no overthinking. I’m just being spontanious (which I never am), winging everything, following my gut feeling. As a result, I make mistakes every once in a while, but I guess that’s part of being spontanious, lol

Absolutely and we learn from our mistakes. Although sometimes it takes me a few times to remember lol. Definitely a tranquility moment we could all very much use ^_^

In my personal case, ‘a few times’ is definitely an understatement. I have an awefully bad memory, lol

I'm so impressed with the huge range of yummies you've got growing- and am very jealous of your Jerusalem artichokes- love them and haven't had them since I left home!

My parents grew most of their own food, and they found drying to be a really good way of storing for winter as it takes less room! Dried runnerbeans were the weirdest!! Keep up your amazing work. E x

Why thank you! I actually never had The artichokes before. A friend gave them to me so this will be a new experience. Said they grow like potatoes and also grow a flower similar to a sunflower I think she said.

I can understand drying for storing but some things don't seem right to dry. Possibly because I have never done it lol. I will be drying as much spices as I can, like parsley, sweet basil, spicy basil, chives, garlic chives, spearmint, chocolate mint, strawberry mint etc. I love me some fresh spices lol.

I have trees that I am growing as well. I will probably update within another month of how everything is all growing.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting ^_^

I that case I feel honour bound to give you a health warning on the artichokes. The are delicious... but... how do I say this politely... they give people the worst wind ever!! Yes - they get really tall, have lovely flowers... and if you happen to have guinea-pigs as pets, they adore the leaves!

Yum- you'll have your herb store well stocked for the winter. I've got some chocolate mint dried - love it! Never heard of strawberry mint though- I'm going to have to check that out. I thin mum and dad used a dehydrator for the chunkier things like the beans.

Looking forward to your next update- have fun!
E x

HAHAHA I will keep that in mind, maybe use that as a weapon :p

The strawberry mint smells so friggin gooooood.

We have a dehydrator here as well. Good thing cause I do not have the room or system to hang everything out to dry.

I love your garden of flowers, all so beautiful.
And I salute people who are growing own food, it's ton of hard work, but a blessing to nature. Thank you for sharing your garden, it was fantastic!

Thank you very much :D It is a lot of hard work and found it really isn't enough to last me to the winter. So next year will be even more! So much to learn. Thank you for stopping by :)

I can imagine the hard work, good luck in the future!!

So true we forget our problems for awhile when we do something or look at things that we love. Your garden is very impressive if we had a decent piece of land I would love to plant a lot of herbs and vegetables. Right now I have cherry tomatoes sprouting in a small pot. I hope it survives.

I love cherry tomatoes! I hope they survive for you as well.

Thank you for your kind compliments and stopping by ^_^ Enjoy the weekend!

I so love seeing this!! I am so proud of you! Literally digging right into it! I love how the whole family is involved! It's coming along beautifully!!

Thanks my friend! Your help overtime is starting to really pay off :D Can't wait to get you here so you can reall see what's happening. I know I could use a few more tips :D

Looks like you have been super busy. From the looks of things harvest time will have you pretty busy too.
My little girl always especially loved to eat anything we had grown ourselves. She still remembers the use of lots of herbs. You are teaching some great life skills there for sure.

To be honest, before growing my own herbs, I had no idea what the difference was from using fresh ones from the garden. What a huge difference there is! I still can't get over the smells, so delightful. This year the strawberry and chocolate mint is new. I want to learn how I can use these for baking desserts. I know I can make a sauce with the strawberry mint but I feel like there can be more than just sauces, drinks and salads I can use it for. I have had no luck in searching on google so it will be something new for me to experience with :D

I have yet to get much going at the new house. I had chocolate mint years ago. I am trying to recall any use that was a hit.
Do you ever use alcohol to pull out the medicinal quality's? I use 100 proof and it does also pull out a lot of flavor. If you were to cook with that the alcohol part cooks off leaving the flavor of the herb. Maybe you could get creative with that technique.
I also have added just a single stalk of something to my cedar and sage smudge sticks. Get some interesting results. Lavender is one of my favs for that because it is calming. I always felt it helped with my stress and got the kids to settle a bit.
I envy your veggies. I have always had better luck with herbs.

I want to make tinctures so bad! I need to get the alcohol, the bottles and such to get it going. I am growing lavender too but they are still small. And white sage as well. I will be good for smudging in no time ^_^

My veggies are a huge learning curve. Not all has survived. I had more zucchini plants and I think I am down to 2. The more the better. Next time more will come out of it.

You should my friends and family love when I send them home with a little bottle of something. They also collect all sorts of interesting little bottles for me and sometimes bring me herbs
The soil here is super soggy. We either need to build some raised beds or resort to growing mushrooms The watermelon is doing great.
You may still come out ok sometimes a couple plants can still yield a lot.

Watermelon... I forgot to plant watermelon!!! ah geez oh well lol. I did plant pumpkin. Hopefully they will turn out :D

I apologize, I have written that I had lavender in the post already lol

Great photos and description of your gardens. I love the photos of the flowers, the colors are so vivid!

Thank you ^_^ I was thinking of getting some darker colored flowers next summer to fill in the spots thinking that it will make the bright color flowers really pop.