Dehydrating Nasturtiums and Other Updates

in garden •  8 years ago 

I promised yesterday to get to the fermenting nasturtiums recipe today and I still plan to, but thought I would first show what else is going on here today.

One of the many things is dehydrating more nasturtium leaves and flowers for tinctures, adding to my mixed greens blend, using in soaps, herbal vinegar, shampoos, and more.


Another thing I am up to is that I am going to be soaking more grains for breads and shooting a video and photos for a how to post I will be putting up down the road.


Also seen in this photo to the right is my jar of fermented nasturtium flowers and leaves, my blackberry fermentation starter, plus the newest fermentation starters that I also will be doing a post of in the near future.

Along with the nasturtiums, I also have a good amount of grape leaves dehydrating because I simply had to prune some back just to get through the entry out into the main garden area! This photo was after I pruned them back some!


And this is just a random photo of from the main garden section. Though a bit late, it is coming along nicely.


Hope you all are having a lovely day! Now off to work for me! ~Heidi


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great read rain!!!

Excited for the following post!

Wish my flower garden looked as wonderful as yours. Great post. Thanks for the info.

I'm excited to see this fermentation recipe. Following.