Best medium to grow your micro greens in is Coconut Cooler Fiber Matting.
- Cut the Matting to size and soak it for 24hrs in pure water.
- Use bamboo sticks to keep your matting off the bottom of your trays.
- Once the matting pieces are in place your ready to begin adding your seeds.
- Now you can use Hydrogen Peroxide to spray down your seeds.
But even better is "Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) - electrolysed salt water solution" which you can buy or even better you can make it yourself.
- Now you are ready to spray down your seeds with water or you can use more HOCI to give the seeds a nice moisture level along with pooling water in the bottom of your pan.
- Next, cover your pan with a fitted styrofoam cover.
- Remember to label your micro sprout pans: Seed type, Starting Date,(3 to 4 days later) Place under the Lights, Harvest Date, Buyers name.
- Now place your Pan onto your Germination Rack.
- Take covers off and place under LED tube "OLIVE" Full Spectrum Bright White lights (5500 Kelvin) that are water proof.
MicroGreen definition: plant growth with only two baby leaves.
Best Microgreens to grow are:
- Micro Parsley
- Kohlrabi
- Micro Cilantro
- Micro Kale
- Micro Leeks
- Micro Onions
- Micro Basil
- Micro Radish Margaritas
- Micro Barrage
- Micro Broccoli
Remember the Darker the MicroGreen the better "Purple varieties are more Nutritious".
- Chard microgreens