Last time I did a goji berry update it was in video form. It was me pruning my plants just as they were coming out of dormancy. Here is how theu look as of now.
This is the first plant in my flower bed and I would say it is one of the largest of the 6 bunches or bundles. I also believe this one is a slightly different variety due to its' growth and round shape of the berries instead of the oval or oblong shape.
The next one down the line to the left is one of the smaller plants, Towards the end of the season last year it decided to put out one long shoot, and as you can see it is branching at the top due to pruning the end of the branch.
This one in partcular is the second of the largest plants. I would say it is the tallest out of all of them. The fruit this one bears is the characteristic sweet oblong goji berry.
This is the third largest of the plants but it lost a lot of its' branches and foliage due to not having protection from rabbits at the time. Hopefully this year it will have more growth and have a full production of berries.
This is the second to last plant that is one of the smaller ones. It does however appear to have new shoots growing from the base of the plant.
This last plant has been through a lot. The wind broke it's main branch. Then from the dogs running passed it the branches would break and the it was eaten by the rabbits before it had protection. I honestly thought it would be completely dead, but this plant is a prime example of how hardy and tough goji berry plants.
These next photos are closer pictures of the plants to see more detail of the plants. You will be able to see the new shoots which are the green branches. It's amazing on how fast the seem to grow.
I hope you enjoyed these pictures of the goji berry plants, I will continue updating as they progress through the season. They are actually 3 years old today so they should have a full production this year.
Thanks for reading, keep on Steeming!!!