Peppers, although its popularity is still far below other types of chilli but peppers cultivation has a pretty bright prospect. The area of pepper planting in Indonesia continues to grow in line with the increasing market demand. In Indonesia paprika market is still limited in big cities and sold in supermarkets, and not yet sold in traditional markets. Over time the demand for pepper fruit continues to increase, both domestic market demand and for export purposes. Pepper farming business has a good business opportunity because the use of peppers is wide enough so that its market share is quite a lot. Besides being used for household consumption, peppers is also used for food and beverage industry, pharmaceutical industry (medicine), cosmetics industry, and animal feed industry. With the increasing number of foreign tourists and expatriates living in Indonesia and the growing popularity of western food in big cities in Indonesia such as pizza and salads, especially young people who love European cuisine so the demand for peppers is increasing. Hotels, restaurants, catering, and supermarkets in turn are in dire need of peppers. From the aspect of natural resources, the availability of terrain and land suitable for peppers growth is an opportunity to develop a peppers business. In line with the increase in population and the development of processing industries made from raw paprika, the use of oleoresin is quite extensive in various food and pharmaceutical industries, the use of peppers powder extract in livestock raising causes increased demand for peppers
Peppers, known as sweet chili (Capsicum annum L.) is a seasonal shrub of members of the Solanaceae tribe. This plant is a subtropical plant so it is more suitable to be cultivated in areas with altitude above 750 mdpl (above sea level). Although paprika still grows in lowland but its productivity is not optimal. The success of the paprika cultivation business is mainly determined by the appropriate environmental conditions. Environmental conditions greatly affect the quantity and quality of results. Planting chili peppers in areas with inappropriate environmental conditions will cause the plant to suffer from physiological diseases. This situation will lead to stunted growth, low productivity can not even bear fruit at all. Here are the requirements for growing peppers:
a. Temperature
Chili pepper plants require temperatures 21-27 degrees Celsius during the day and 13-16 degrees Celsius at night. Paprika has a low tolerance to temperature conditions outside the temperature range. High temperatures can cause fallen flowers, falling fruit and fall buds. Chili peppers can still grow at a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. But at a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius during the day and 32 degrees Celsius at night all the flowers and will fall.
b. Humidity
The desired air humidity is 80%. Humidity that is too low or too high can cause flowers and young fruit fall / fall. The humidity of the air is too low (very dry air) can cause die-dead plants and withered flowers. Conversely, air that is too valley (too wet air) can cause root decay so plants wither.
c. Rainfall
The corresponding rainfall for the peppers plant is about 250 mm / month. High rainfall (very wet conditions) causes plants susceptible to diseases caused by fungi or bacteria. For example, leaf spot disease or anthracnose, wilt disease, and others.
d. Sunlight
Paprika plants need enough sunlight throughout the day to grow and produce properly. In the plant physiological process, sunlight acts as a source of energy in the process of photosynthesis so that plants produce vegetative and generative growth. Each growth phase requires different intensities and different exposure times. At the beginning of growth until late adulthood, paprika requires low light intensity, ranging from 22% - 30%. Therefore paprika plants require shade, for example using paranet.
e. Soil
The most suitable soil types for growing peppers are alluvial and mediterranean soils. The soil suitable for cultivation of peppers plant is sandy loam soil or sandy Hat and soil that has crumb or crumbly structure. In addition, the soil should be easy to bind water or pour water (porous), have deep solum (at least one meter), have good water holding strength, are resistant to erosion, and have a high content of organic matter. Pepper chili plants can still grow on sandy soil, clay soil, or Hat soil that is classified as heavy soil.
f. Elevation of place (Geographic Location)
The altitude of the place is related to local climatic conditions (temperature and humidity). The higher the place, the lower the temperature will be, with a decrease rate of 0.5 ° C for every 100 m asl. The height of the place is very influential on plant growth, yield formation (chili fruit), and harvest time. Good land for cultivation of pepper plants is a plateau that has a height of more than 750 m above sea level, and the best is a plateau with an altitude of 1,000 m - 1,500 m above sea level. High temperatures in the lowlands or mediums have a negative effect on the process of fruit formation. Pepper plants can still grow in the lowlands or medium plains, but with poor results.
g). soil pH
Soil pH has a major effect on the growth and productivity of pepper plants. In soils that are too acidic (low pH below 5.5) or too alkaline (high pH above 6.5) plants will not grow optimally, dwarf and unable to bear fruit. The ideal pH for paprika growth is 5.5-6.5.
a). Land preparation
Land for good paprika cultivation is referring to the requirement of growing peppers above. Choose the appropriate land for pepper plants to be cultivated can grow and produce optimally. Peppers can be grown on lowland, medium and highland plains. But the most suitable land for pepper plants is a plateau with an altitude of more than 750 mdpl.
b). Land clearing
The first step to do is to clear the land from weeds or weeds and previous plant debris. Weeds are cleared and then compostable, and the remains of previous crops are destroyed by burning. This is done to break the life cycle of pests and diseases contained in previous crops.
c). Soil erosion
After the land is cleared and then the soil eruption. Bursting can be done by hoeing or hijacked. Soil hoeed / plowed as deep as 25 - 30 cm, the roots of the weathered wood and the remnants of plant roots that are in the ground cleaned. Piracy is done 2-3 times to loose soil and porous. Sprinkle agricultural lime / dolomite if the soil pH is below 5.5. After finishing the melting, the land is left for 1-2 weeks for drying.
d). Creation of beds
In the dry season or on land land beds made low so the soil does not dry quickly. Height of bed 15 cm, width 100 cm and length according to length of land.
In the rainy season or on paddy fields are made higher so that plants are not stagnant water. Height of bed 25 - 30 cm, width 100 cm and length according to the land.
a). Needs fertilizer
Type of basic fertilizer used and fertilizer needs every one hectare of paprika land is manure / compost as much as 10 - 15 tons, ZA / Urea of 100-150 kg, TSP / SP36 of 200-300 kg and KCL as much as 100 - n150 kg. The amount of fertilizer is not SOP and not raw, because the amount of fertilizer provided is adjusted to the level of soil fertility.
b). How to apply basic fertilizer
Manure / compost is spread evenly on the bed. Then fertilizer ZA / Urea, SP36 / TSP and KCL
mixed and sprinkled evenly on the bked. Sowing can be manure first or chemical fertilizer first. Then stirred until well mixed with soil and bed surface leveled. Leave for 2-3 weeks to rain or water if not rain.
a). Mulch installation
Plastic mulch fitted installed 2 or 3 weeks after sowing of basic fertilizer. This is done so that the planting medium is not hot and compact fertilizer with soil. Installation of mulch should be done during the day when the sun is so neat and easy to install mulch. For beds with a width of 1 meter use plastic mulch width of 120 cm.
b). Make a planting hole
Planting hole made 2 rows in one bed, planting holes 10 cm diameter with spacing / distance between holes as follows:
In the dry season the planting hole is made with a distance of 60-65 cm. With spacing between 45 - 50 cm.
In the rainy season the planting hole is made less frequently, which is 70 - 75 cm with the spacing between 55-60 cm.
To obtain maximum results, seeds should be used is a quality tested hybrid seeds. Seeds are widely available in farm shops with different types of varieties. Use varieties of paprika in accordance with market demand and environmental conditions. There are various types of varieties of hybrid pepper seeds, widely grown varieties are Marengo, New ace, Takii ace, Wonder bell and Jumbo sweet. Yellow plume varieties are Gold Flame (3.5-8 months optimum yield of 2.5 kg / plant), Spartacus red pepper (8 months harvest 2,5 kg / plant) and Orange DRD 3233 (harvest 3,5 -8 months 2.5 kg / plant).
How to sow the seeds of paprika is not much different from how to sow the seeds of chili in general. Seedlings can be done using a small polybag size 6 x 8 cm or using a seedling tray. Seeding dibedengan by way of sowing is not recommended, because the less effective and the mortality rate of seedlings after planting move high. Here are the steps of sowing paprika seeds:
a). Prepare seedling media in the form of a mixture of soil, husk charcoal and manure,
b). Prepare polybag seedlings / trays seedlings and then filled with media seedlings,
c). Soak the paprika seeds using warm water for - / + 2 hours, drain,
d). Put seeds into polybag seedlings / seedlings, 1 seed 1 polybag
e). Hood with mulch plastic to grow quickly and simultaneously seeds
f). After 7 - 10 days then the seeds usually have germinated, open the mulch lid
g). Create a shade of nursery to avoid damage to seeds due to rain water exposure
For more read here: How to Seed Chili Seeds To Grow Fast
Peppers seedlings can be planted at the age of 30-35 days after the seedling. Here's how to plant seedlings peppers peppers fatigue beds;
a). Seeds are planted is a healthy seed, has a good vigor and disease free,
b). Create a planting hole by ditugal, planting hole size adjusted to the size of polybag seedlings,
c). Remove the polybag carefully so that the seedling medium is not broken or damaged,
d). Plant pineapple seeds in the hole, press and solidify a little ground around the seeds to be sturdy,
e). Media seedlings should be covered with good soil,
f). Planting should be done in the afternoon so that the seeds are not stressed and withered,
g). After planting sprout seeds sufficiently.
Ajir or lanjaran is a pole made of wood or bamboo, or other material that serves to sustain the plant to be sturdy and not collapse in the wind or rain. Ajir should be installed before planting, or immediately installed after the planting process is complete. Ajir mounted on each planting hole, arc high 1 - 1.5 meters or more. The distance from the plant about 10 cm so that the arc does not damage the roots of plants.
Paprika is a subtropical plant that requires low sunlight intensity. Each growth phase requires different intensities and different exposure times. At the beginning of growth until late adulthood, paprika requires low light intensity, ranging from 22% - 30%. For that need to be made shade, here's how to make shade paprika plants;
a). If paprika cultivation is done during the dry season, make shade using paranet. Paanet / shading net is a kind of net material specifically used for shade plants. Paranet mounted on wooden or bamboo poles on paprika plant field.
b). If the cultivation is done in the rainy season, shade is made using UV plastic. UV Plastic is a plastic shade commonly used for green house. UV plastic can last up to 3 - 5 years. The use of UV plastic shading is intended to keep the plants from being doused by rainwater. High rainfall causes increased moisture and potentially increases the proliferation of various plant diseases.
To obtain good results paprika plants need to be treated and maintained properly. Maintenance and care of paprika plants include the activities of embroidery, watering, binding, and weeding. Here's how to do paprika plant maintenance;
a). Do embroidery immediately if there are plants that die or eat pests. Stitching can be done until the paprika plants are 15 days after planting. Cover around the planting hole using the ground to avoid crickets that are likely to hide inside the mulch.
b). Do watering if it does not rain and dry soil conditions. Pour water in moderation and not excessive, watering should be done before the soil is dry and the plants wither. Frequency of watering done by paying attention to weather conditions, if rain fall the plants do not need watering.
c). In order for pepper plants do not collapse, immediately tie using a rope on the ajir already installed. Binding can be done several times following the growth of plant height.
d). Do weeding on the planting hole and ditch between beds if we see the existence of weeds / weeds that grow. Do not let weeds grow high, weeds can become hosts for pests and diseases and disrupt plant growth.
Subsequent fertilization is the fertilization done after planting. Aftershocks used for paprika are the same as fertilizers used in other types of chili, namely macro fertilizer and micro fertilizer. Macro fertilizer is applied to the soil to provide nutrient intake through plant roots. While the micro-fertilizer in the form of leaf fertilizer that is applied by spraying kedaun plants. The types of macro fertilizer used are ZA / Urea fertilizer, TSP / SP36, KCL, KNO3 or NPK. The first follow-up fertilization is done when the plants are 10 days after planting. Fertilizer is applied by dissolving it first with water then leaked at the planting hole or by sowing.
Leaf manure is applied after the plants are 10 days old or after signs of growth. Provision of leaf fertilizer when new plants are planted ineffective because the plant is still in the stage to adjust to the environment and leaves the plant has not been able to absorb leaf liquid fertilizer well. Fertilizer spraying done every 7 - 10 days. Stop the use of leaf fertilizer when the plant has entered the generative phase (flowering period).
Learn more about the dose and how to fertilize afters of paprika, please read here:
- Fertilization of Chili Pest Management
- How to Right Fertilizer Spraying for Growing Plants
Plant pest and disease control has a big role in the success of pepper cultivation. Pest and disease attacks of pepper plants are known to cause yield loss up to 60 - 90% even total failure. Pests and diseases found in plants from the Solanaceae tribe (eggplant) are generally the same. Some types of pests and diseases of chili peppers, among others, as follows;
a). Pests that often attack pepper plants, among others; mites, trips, aphids, caterpillars, grayak caterpillars, fruit flies, crickets and others. Control is done by technical means, use of vegetable pesticides or using chemical pesticides. The chemical pesticide used is adapted to the target pest. To control pests of this type of ticks (mites, aphids and trips) use akarisida, for example agrimec, alfamec, demolish, samite or pegasus. To control caterpillar pests, crickets or fruit flies use insecticides, such as regent, curacron, prevathon, larvin or pegasus.
b). Diseases that often attack pepper plants, among others; fusarium wilt, bacterial wilt, gout disease / gemini virus, mosaic disease, leaf spot, root rot, stem rot, bud rot / dead bud, fruit rot, antraknosa / patek. Control is done by spraying bactericide and fungicide in accordance with target diseases. Several types of fungicides that can be used to control disease in pepper plants, among others; antracol, daconil, amistartop, bion-m, cozeb and others.
Paprika is a commodity that has a great opportunity to be exported to several countries. In order to penetrate the export market, the resulting paprika fruits must meet some of the requirements set by the importing country (export destination country). One of the absolute requirements is that paprika does not contain chemical residues, especially pesticides. Therefore, pest and disease control should be done organically without using chemical pesticides. Paprika from Indonesia is often rejected export destination countries because it contains excessive chemical residues.
Chili peppers can be harvested at 60 days after planting. Peppers are harvested depending on market demand. Harvest age can be faster if market demand is green peppers. Green fruits are harvested when the fruit is old but not yet ripe. The characteristics of the ready-to-harvest green fruits are thick, hard fruit, dark green fruits, fruit easily separated from the stems, healthy, not defective and pest-free. If the request is ripe pepper fruit (red, yellow or purple) the fruit is harvested after being cooked. The characteristics of ripe peppers ready for harvest are thick flesh, uniform, healthy and disease-free. Harvesting is done in the morning after the dew dries. The fruit picked together with the stem and harvesting can be done every 2 -3 days. If the cultivation is done properly, a paprika plant can produce 1 - 2 kg of fruit, even more depending on cultivation techniques and plant conditions.
This "How to PEPPERS CULTIVATION in Land Land With Plastic Mulch" Hopefully useful ....
This is an article that discusses plantations to develop STEEMIT communities especially on #gardening #homesteading #livesustainably and #calestialchallenge which are precompiled by @sirknight @ papa-pepper @greengrowth and @surpassinggoogle, thanks for all I say from @myart.