in gardening •  7 years ago 

This has been a really fun and rewarding activity for us the past couple years.

It wasn't until we moved down to Arkansas that we ever tried this, but we've been enjoying it for the past few years. To grow your own delicious popcorn right on your own land is not only a lot of fun, it's a great way to get the @little-peppers excited about gardening!


Today Monster Truck the Pepper and I were working down on the land. The "to do list" is really long, so we were glad to finally cross this off of the list. We've been meaning to do it for a while, and we're happy that at least some of it is now done.

Not only have we been growing our own popcorn for the past two years now, we've also been saving our own seeds. As delicious as they may be, you don't want to eat them all if you plan on growing some the following year. Thankfully, we exercise self control. We are mostly doing raised beds this year down on the land in our new garden. This should help improve the soil that the plants are being grown in, make weeding easier, and help keep the @little-peppers out of the areas that they shouldn't be walking on.

I like to show the @little-peppers what to do first, and then watch them try. Leading by example and properly modelling the appropriate way to get things done is very effective, so it is one of our primary training tools when we teach our children various tasks. Thankfully, even this five year old now has some years worth of experience under his belt.

After the popcorn seeds were planted, we gave them a good soak in their new home. On these hot Arkansas days, these seeds will need some good watering to properly root and grow. We'd hate to have our hard work go to waste. Hopefully soon we will see the sprouts! If we get a harvest this year, it'll be three years in a row of growing our on popcorn.

In other corn news, our Green Corn is already a few inches tall. Hopefully we'll have time to get in a few more varieties, but we will see. I think that there is always more that we want to grow than what we can actually get planted, but we are working on it. Plus, with the @little-peppers excited about gardening and gaining skills, we should be able to do even more in the years to come.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai



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Beautiful work you do sir
Teaching your kids and leading by example.And that kid looks very amazing
Your popcorns looks great.You kinda have it all
Good evening

You kinda have it all

Well, we try to have what we want, or what is best. Thank you!

@papa-pepper its exciting to have the @little-peppers involved in some garden adventures, gaining skills and works.

Have your own popcorns is super cool, i hope to have a taste of it someday. Keep it up, the @little-peppers , @grandpa-pepper and i are proud of what you are doing.

Thanks so much for the encouragement man! We really appreciate it!

I must confess that you are leading your children towards a better future. You are welcome sir, i wish to connect with you in real life someday. You are a good man.

That would be excellent to meet up in real life some day!

Wow... This is really lovely, it really keeps the kids engaged and makes the acquire planting skills as well as making them independent if the need arises. This is a great way to impact knowledge on the little ones @papa-pepper. Keep up the good work and more grease to your elbow.

@papa-pepper we don't need no Govt. Popcorn we can do our own just fine Thank you........................

LOL - Upvote for that!

Thank you my Brother. Love Papa and @little-peppers

MAte, great post as always but could you do a post about different types of corn please! I only know sweetcorn and then the three main types we grow in UK, Wheat, Barley and Oats. Would love to learn about the stuff you're growing over there and the varieties. Thanks in anticipation and as always, best wishes to you and your family :-)

Wow! We plan on growing many varieties. Pictured around my head here are just some of the different popcorns we've grown. I might have to do that, and thanks for the suggestion.

I agree, I could use some help looking for colder climate growers. I heard of one someone shared, but lost it in all my comments.

That is very cool. :D I love how enthusiastic your children are about every task they handle on your homestead. :D
God bless you and the whole pepper clan. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Yeah, all the hard work sure pays off beautifully too!

That is very pretty with all the different colored corn cobs together like that. :D Do they all take the same amount of time to grow? Do they all taste the same or does each different color have their own unique flavors? If they all taste different, what do the purplish red cobs taste like? I hadn't seen any other colors other than yellow/orange and the yellow/white ones until I saw one of your earlier posts actually, its very neat though. :D
God bless you and the whole pepper clan. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

Setting the example early, getting the kids to participate and get excited about growing crops is the way to do it! Monster Truck already knows that he will reap the benefits of his hard work, a nice bowl of freshly popped corn!

Starting them young is the only way to go. Can't wait until they grow out of being interested and then try... Thanks as always @cecicastor

That comes with time and patience...

I met an ex-amish family a few years ago. They live off grid and grow/raise 98% of what they consume.
One thing was non-gmo organic feed corn. It was like 20 generations long corn. They used it to feed their animals in the winter, but also ground it for themselves for eating.

I love that your littles are always helping and learning!

Wow! That is crazy. Our seed is mostly from Baker Creek, but we've been saving our own for two years now... It's a start, but safe food is important these days. Check out these colors and variety.

Nice! I love the colors!

Way to go Monster Truck the Pepper! You seem to have done well on that pop corn planting. Let us see the sprouts soon. 😉

We will let Sweet-Pepper be the judge of how he did this fall when the harvest comes in. She takes gardening very seriously and looks for the best results.

👀 Looks like she does! 😆

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Perfect planting!
I love the fact that the @little-peppers are always excited being around the farm land doing thier things.
@papa-pepper I really love what you are doing.
You keep on motivating my spirit everyday into doing what I love doing(farming)
Nice planting!

We even make butter the "hard way..." because it is so much more fun!

I wish I could get our popcorn to grow. Been trying for 3yrs but it gets about a foot tall and seems to stop. It does produce very small cobs like you get in Chinese food, but nothing big enough to harvest seeds from. Very cool to get the family involved.

Really? That's terrible... We have a variety of sizes that they mature to depending on the variety, but they always make it all the way to full kernel.

Monsanto wouldn't be happy ! lol Just kidding. that is awesome you guys are becoming more and more self reliant.

It helps us stay connected to the REAL WORLD. Thanks @brianphobos!

Very true. That was the great thing about Indiana. We could grow so much stuff. In Arizona you really have to fight but there are things you can grow that don't take as much water.

Nice work, planting takes a lot of energy and time but doing it is quite productive. Do you know that popcorn is very healthy and nutritional diet. Great post

Harvesting takes a lot of energy too, but many hands make light work.

Children learn very well through experience...You gave them a very wonderful opportunity sir @papa-pepper! They'll remember this even they grow up..A moment to treasure as a family...😉😉

Oh yeah, they can hardly wait until this fall!

Kids enjoyed! This is awesome...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great I must say @papa-pepper ... I love what you're doing and also for the fact that you love what you're doing.. Growing popcorns ain't really that easy tho.. How do u manage not to eat them all..?

They sure look delicious when we harvest them too! This was a "Strawberry Popcorn" from two years ago.

Wow I wish I can have a taste sir

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

From my screen I can sense how yummy it'll taste...can I have some ?🙈🙈 @papa-pepper

We always like the first peek inside the finished cob too, just to see what colors we've got. Thanks man!

That's a really great practice your kids will hopefully bring with them when they get older, @papa-pepper. Cheers and to more harvest to come!

Thank you @michelleast! We'll keep planting so we can keep reaping the harvest!

Great Job done planting popcorn son and papa and the son is very cute <3

Thank you! We REALLY enjoy it!

It's a good job you do,And you also teach children in this wonderful activity.Hopefully you will get good results.Success for your friends.

Thank you very much my friend!

Your welcome,my friend!

Hehe.. Popcorns.. I don't joke with those.. Nice to see how they come about.. Homesteading rocks... As always

Us neither!

Great idea, especially the teaching for the kids

When my brother and I were around 8, we started our own gardens. We did both flower and veggies. My brother and I were only 11 months different in age. Anyway we were planting bulbs and it was some sort of lily. After we got the bulbs planted, each day my brother would dig up his bulbs and inspect for signs of growth. My dad was always telling him, it had to be in the ground to grow. Still every day digging them up.
Well the end of the story is his garden did better than all of ours. Don’t know what the moral is, but these bulbs liked the attention!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment