SEC-S20W3 | 2nd Time: Pasta.

in gastronomy-s20w3 •  2 days ago 


Greetings great steemians!

Am delighted to take part in this week gastronomy class.
gastronomy class has really made me explore different cooking skills.

Unveiling different dish i had never imagine i could try and getting a perfect result make me want to engage even more.

Making paster from scratch at home has unleashed more skill in me better than i have ever imagined.

Have you ever made fresh pasta at home? What was your experience like? Tell us.

No i haven't, i didn't even know pasta can be made from home. Seeing the well detailed procedure of making pasta was what encouraged me to try, at first i was nervous of what result i would get but then again as a student we learn everyday and the aim of it is putting alot of work so we could achieve our goal. Another one is that pasta is one of my favorite so learning and knowing how to make it at home is a big win.

We would like you to prepare fresh pasta (quantity for 1 person), it is important to explain the preparation process and result (raw).

I studied the process attentively i went down the store to get my ingredients for the practical.


• Flour
• egg
• salt

IMG_20240926_134350_215.jpg mise en place

I measured 1 cup of flour added a pinch of salt and sieve it.


I poured my flour in a flat surface made a hole in the middle pour in my egg i mix it thoroughly then added a little water and mix again till it became smooth.


I then cover it with a nylon and set in aside for about and hour plus.


On a flat surface i rolled and stretched my dough for cutting.


Am making a tagliatelle pasta carefully using my kitchen knife i cut my dough in a long flat shape.


Into a pan of boiling water i added a pinch of salt and vegetables oil.


I added my pasta to the boiling water cook till it float i seived it out and set aside.


In my refrigerator i had a sauce made with tomato i brought ot out defrost and pour in to my pan added my pasta and mix it.

my jollof pasta is ready

Which starter and which dessert would go with the main dish you just prepared? Imagine a 3-course menu that goes with your pasta.

I love having pap and beans cake as a starter then a chill soy bean milk as dessert, this will make my meal balance and satisfying.

Starter: pap and beans cake

Main dish: Jollof tagliatelle pasta

Dessert: soy beans milk

I was curious about the result but i trusted the process this is my first time trying home made pasta and it turned out great. As a first timer i will gladly accept corrections.

Am inviting @blessedbee @goodybest @chant to participate in this contest

Thank you for visiting my blog

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@tipu curate 2

Hola. Es emocionante probar una receta por primera vez, especialmente cuando estamos acostumbrados a comprar el producto industrializado.

En realidad la receta que nos dieron no lleva agua, se ve que eso afectó tu masa pues se nota que está húmeda, más seca es más fácil de manejar, pero igual al final obtuviste tu pasta casera y la disfrutaste con salsa de tomate.

Éxitos en el reto

Thank you very much, i was so excited when it turned out great the big smile on my face was so obvious.

Wowwww, 😯 I never knew this is how to make pasta, please thank you so much for the invitation, I will give a try, it looks yummy 😋

Oh thank you for the acknowledgement i will be glad to see your entry.
