If you are looking for gay couple Halloween costume ideas, here are some creative and fun options:
Thunderstorm and Rain: One of you can be in a thunderstorm costume with lightning bolts, and the other in a raincoat or rain suit. Not only will this be funny, but it will also be impressive!
Superheroes and Villains: Choose superhero and villain pairings, such as Batman and the Joker or Wonder Woman and Ares. This is a great way to show off your teamwork and your favorite characters.
Space Theme: One of you can be an astronaut and the other an alien. Not only is this idea original, but it also allows for colorful and unusual costumes.
Historical Figures: You can be a couple of famous historical figures, such as Napoleon and Josephine or Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. This will allow you to show off your style and class.