Gebah Sekou Kamara – A Biography

in gebah •  5 years ago  (edited)

Gebah Sekou Kamara, dreams and prayers were answered when he obtained his visa in 1998 and traveled to the U.S.A. on a visiting visa, while in the United States visiting, families and friends, another round of his country's long civil war erupted. He was unable to return back to his birth country of Liberia due to the bloody conflict. Meanwhile, Kamara applied for political asylum and was granted permanent resident status to live and work in the U.S.

Gebah Sekou Kamara sometimes works two to three jobs to put himself in school while at the same time sending money home to families, relatives, and friends that he left behind in the conflicts.

Meanwhile, Gebah Sekou Kamara successfully achieved his childhood dreams earning two master’s degrees. Master of Science in Criminal Justice Leadership from New England College and a Master in Homeland Security and Emergency Management from Kaplan University and several other trade careers and certifications including an Associate degree in Automotive Technology. Kamaraworked and held several positions with various companies in the United States and in Liberia. In Liberia he was enlisted into the Liberian Armed Forces in 1990 during the height of the Liberian civil wars. While in the United States he worked as a social worker, a clinical evaluator with the Philadelphia prison systems, behavior support aid, certified auto mechanics, car washer, security guard, CDL truck driver, criminal justice adjunct professor, head chef, and kitchen manager and his current position as an author and a culinary recruiter at a community college among others. In addition to his experience, he helped found and drafted the constitution of the Liberian Empowerment Organization (LEO) a non-profit organization based in Philadelphia with the mission and vision to empower and educate the citizen of Liberia about the role of government and the responsibility of citizenship. Gebah Sekou Kamarawas also the founder of the Liberians Girl’s Educational Foundation, providing scholarships money and educational materials to less fortunate girls in Korma Township, Sefula, and Cooper Town on Borpolu highway in Liberia.

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