Today is 17 March, wishing everyone a Happy St Patty's Day ......

in gems •  5 years ago  (edited)

....... It is a green day for the Irish and their followers and for the party folk who are always ready for a day of celebrating everything green. It does not matter where you live in this world St Patrick's day is always celebrated. Great parades take place in Ireland and in cities around the world.

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If you do not know about St Patrick he is the patron saint of Ireland. Saint Patrick lived in 5th century and was a Romano-British missionary priest and bishop. He is renown for converting the Irish to Catholism. Little children are taught that St Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland, in actual fact it was not snakes at all. It was the Druids whom St Patrick drove out. This information was sourced from my own memory and from wikipedia.

"Tradition holds that he died on 17 March and was buried at Downpatrick. Over the following centuries, many legends grew up around Patrick and he became Ireland's foremost saint."source

St Patrick's Day is a yearly source of great fun for people. All ages dress up in green, wear sparkly hats and glasses, drink green beer and eat green food. Choices abound and all are individual.

Wearing something green on the day is a must!

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Animals are dressed up to. Not sure if they would agree if they had a choice. Maybe this dog and cat don't get to look at their reflections in mirrors!

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Sadly this year there are no St Patrick Day celebrations happening around the world due to the Coronovirus Pandemic. It is even not happening in Dublin. Never mind there is always next year!

But I quietly remember the songs I sang each year in the St Partick Day's concert with my school buddies that was held every in town hall. The nuns made us practice everyday. It was a really big deal. We wore costumes and our families made up the audience. The words for the chorus stay are running around in my head never forgotten.

When Irish eyes are smiling
Sure, 'tis like the morn in Spring
In the lilt of Irish laugher
You can hear the angels sing
When Irish hearts are happy
All the world seems bright and gay
And when Irish eyes are smiling
Sure, they steal your heart away

Happy St Patrick's Day folks

Cheers and blessings



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Happy St. Paddy’s Day Angie ☘️


Ahhh, a fellow Irish friend. Nice to hear from you Jo, I see that you are not posting these days. I hope all is well. I have been thinking of your friend in hospital.

Hi Angie. I have been posting. I think you have to check under posts on my page to see my posts with the new system.

Sadly my friend passed and I did a post on it in ‘a time to mourn’ last week.

My sympathies Jo, I had a feeling she had left.

I am not into this new system, thanks for the tip.

Definitely sad times for everyone with this Coronovirus Pandemic but like you said there is always next year 👍

We just need to bunker down and let this virus pass without getting sick. Stay well @bigsambucca🙏

That is true and hope it passes quick without leaving to much more destruction and deaths behind we will keep praying 🙏

Yes, so agree, prayer is very powerful.💜

Yes is all we can do now is look after each other.

I am finding all this change over with Hive very confusing do you know your reply come to me on Steemit did you use Steemit to reply back to me because if you did your reply will not show on Hive or esteem.

Too bad it got canceled this year but next year's will be bigger than ever! I love the quote!

Yes it will. We are just all having time out, a little holiday so to speak.

That's a very positive and healthy way to look at it!

It gives me time to meditate, practice yoga and Tibetan Rites, walk ride, write etc. What about you?

Well my life is exactly the same because we live out in the country so the city restrictions don't apply unless we need to go to town. Mrs. J. works at the county jail so she has to go to work no matter what.