in gen •  2 months ago 

ever wonder if saying some thing about the Chinese president was a crime?

Wonder if they could torture your friends and family forever after you make a negative comment about them

Ever wonder why the US government would be eager to protect the Chinese torturing Americans more than 20 million torture houses across the country regularly?

Ever wonder if the war between the US and Mexico could leave the US without much edible food?

Slewage… Ever wonder how methane seeping out from the sewers could be captured using ventilation fans and introduced into every restaurant food source ever wonder if it could be done in the water using electric generators and little kids, activating video game terminals connected to every business in the country using overhead powerlines

Wonder why people are having a hard time getting food? It takes three days to make a trip from Europe or China to America. If the ship is carrying food to 40% of it could spoil.

It’s 10 times easier to transport, highly refined drugs and after you eat a little tiny bit, you won’t need very much nourishment for the next few days .
Wonder why the US specialize in the pharmaceutical industry Instead of farming? … Those boats that move from Europe to America could be the backbone of the American economy. How much food can you transport from Europe? It’s freezing. How much of it could you get to America without letting it spoil? It’s a three day journey Through international coastal water

Wonder why metric of drugs makes it into the country by boats so easily?
Especially if it’s loaded up and hidden inside luxury vehicles?

Ever wonder why the US has a pro China policy, even though Chinese are torturing Americans, and robbing them daily.

Wonder why Mexicans complain that the Chinese Americans are bankrupting them even Russians? But you never hear about it on the media because of Chinese censorship programs

Ever wonder why there’s so many police vehicles, Some of them rentals with technology that’s being manned in foreign countries using overhead powerlines and radio, relays both in the water and on land

Ever seen one of these when you’re walking down the street?
When you watch a movie, you think IED is are only in Third World countries. What if there’s thousands of them in every city?


Ever wonder if millions of these IED’s could be connected through AI to video game platforms like League of Legends?
And could be connected to secret military war installations Around the world.


Ever wonder when the US is a pharmaceutical giant Or why drug dealing is so common around the world?

Well, when you’re a world superpower and both about having some of the worlds biggest militaries, you need a way to keep your soldiers fighting when you’re down and out and having a steady stream of available Drugs is a good way to keep them happy while you war 24 hours a day.

Ever wonder how many kids taking drugs playing online? Video games are actually secretly part of the military?

Ever wonder if an international AI connected to an array of overhead bombing mechanisms, could be activated by an AI and millions of kids who’s Mom and dad’s are in debt could be used and slaves you annex nation states overnight

To take over food sources like the ones in Mariupol so Russian soldiers don’t die of famine they grow drugs and manufacture weapons how about food?

While you’re sitting in front of a red light, your car can be targeted with an overhead IED Don’t think it’s possible?

What is mappers already mapped out every city on the planet and each city had a deluxe version of some game like GTA…

What is there was millions of generators all being filled with stolen oil causing a genocide. With gamers and Police, both being totally oblivious to the crimes taking place…

Ever noticed rundown buildings and buildings that have objects looking like this around them?


Ever ever wonder why so many buildings look rundown and beat up yet still have working radios?


Ever wonder how many of these high-powered objects burn up gasoline and can target pedestrian or vehicles?

Ever wonder how many of these objects have cameras juxtaposed? Or who is manning them?

I do…

Ever wonder how many care facilities are loaded up with generators, Connected to machines that can give you a heart attack or even ignite and kill you inside?


What if I told you? Large bodies like human bodies Can be made to be tiny and you might be able to fit 100 bodies into one remote control Almost like Microscopic bodies with microscopic nervous system

Imagine if this has been done for more than 20 million years, Imagine if there’s harsh in hospitable deserts that have billions of inhabitants underground living in little tiny server houses.

Imagine if the powerlines overhead gave them authority to circumvent with larger bodies, we’re doing above ground..

Imagine if all they needed now is a readily available fuel source, oil 🛢️🛢️

Imagine if through the ages machines were made and in every city there could be more than 20 million machines powering generators connected to everyone’s television so you can watch your long lost dead underground in little server boxes


When you see a conventional statue in the middle of the city Square, You notice the pictures of people. What if those were the residents 400 years ago?

What if inside each one of those little statues was a little tiny motor and a lifelike popsicle body, Except instead of strings, it uses a really sophisticated form of physics and electrolysis

What if there’s no way to cut them open because as soon as you tried, Some sort of detection mechanism like a radio detected you. And a blasting cap blows the whole thing sky high…

Imagine if the conventional coffin was less like a coffin and more like a house, You hear stories about people getting buried with all of their goods and even their wife.

Ever wonder how many people could be living inside your remote control for your television? Or whether or not their bodies are connected, using electrodes to the bodies of other people in the city?

Ever wonder how explosive material is collected? Ever tried torturing somebody for nine hours every day and lying to them repetitively without ceasing? Eventually, they make every molecule in their body hate you to the point where they try to use their own flesh to kill you. Ever wonder how much of that flesh comes pouring out of the ground as sulfur?

You hear about the pictures of a hell. Ever wonder if it could be a real place on people could literally be eternally burning?

The average eye can’t see past the horizon. Ever wonder if a little tiny person, the size of a grain of rice could talk to you using a microphone? Or whether a generator and a really sophisticated filtration device could keep them alive for 500 years?

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