Men should be coddled more, and women should toughen up!

in gender •  3 years ago 


Men have the advantage of being forced to toughen up in almost all aspects of life, whereas women are often coddled too much. Us guys have the advantage of having to do everything the hard way. There are pretty much no sugar mamas, meanwhile male providers are the societal norm. Men are expected to do everything and not complain and that stress of being a man from a young age really helps us excel (don’t get me wrong, it can lead to depression, suicide, mental health problems also, but I think that’s also the minority).

I think the coddling of women in our society has made some women weak and dependent which is never a good thing for any human being.

Men are under no pretense that their friends will be there to have a shoulder to cry on. We don’t waste time with that value loss type activity. Us men have to push through everything for our families, there is no relief.

It makes us men tough af and strong leaders, whereas the comfort society I see from most women ends up making them weaker in the long-run.

This is not true of all men/women. Some families are just the opposite (female is breadwinner and if she fails the family goes under) but that is a strong outlier.

Also I’m not saying it’s good to never give relief to others or that we shouldn’t be there for others, so let’s not straw man my position. I’m simply saying that women appear to overcoddle each other and men simply don’t have that and most likely never will.

It’s rare to find a woman telling another woman to “suck it up” yet that’s the norm for men-to-men communication. Men don’t have the luxuries of emotional comfort and coddling that most women enjoy and that had helped man advance tremendously imo.

I do admit this is a heavily biased perspective of my own anecdotal evidence and I’m open to civil discussion around the topic.

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