in genesis •  2 years ago  (edited)

genesis 1 creation 2.jpg

The Old Testament in Genesis first describes the primordial state before the creation takes place. The water is already present so is the darkness of the hidden infinite deep. The Holy Spirit of God is also already present hovering over the waters, implying air space, as a wind of sorts. This correlates well with the Egyptian Ogdoad.

The opening sentence is a bit modified, currently starting with the second letter of Hebrew alphabet Bet, means house, however when Aleph is added back, the sentence reveals, The Father of the Beginnings has Created the Luminaries (seven planets), Heavens and the Earth.

Light is not created yet. The Luminaries aka Elohim, incorrectly attributed the powers of the Creator God in the current translation of the bible, are not activated, turned on so to speak, and remain in darkness for now.

The sky does not exist but the Heavens do. There is only formless earth below it covered by the waters, while all is enveloped in the darkness.

Then God creates light, not in the sky as it is not yet created, but as a centre point of Creation, the North Star Polaris. At this point God calls light day and darkness night, but since it is stationary, there is no motion of light over the formless earth covered by the waters, only separation of light from darkness. Day one. Similar to Creator aspect of Ptah god Atum coming out of the blue lotus in Egyptian cosmology.

Next, God separates waters into the waters above and below by placing in between the firmament as the vault of the sky. So, now we have the Cosmic Egg in the water. Second Day.

Then God separated waters inside the Cosmic Egg that are below from the formless earth and brought up the dry land above the seas. Following that, God brings up the vegetation and all sorts of fruit baring trees. Day Three.

Obviously the trees need light, dark, and water. At this point the only light is that of the fixed Polaris. So God directs the Luminaries to be inside the Heavenly vault as the lights marking time and seasons, days and years. He then directs two of the great lights inside the vault of the sky over the earth to mark the procession of day and night, as well as to separate the light from the darkness. God then spreads great many stars in the sky. Day Four.

I think that not all Luminaries were created at once and that it was cyclical in nature, as ripples in the water after a raindrop, each lasting long time, 24,000 years would be my estimate. So, when read correctly, the bible is rather scientifically accurate.

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