Image : Monty Python
We are the light. All matter is a form of light. Light comes from sound. All matter is sound. We are sound living inside a giant speaker. The whole earth is vibrating. The tides are perhaps, most likely rather, the long waves of the base frequency, so called Schuman resonance, traditionally measured at 7.83 Hz however it is now reportedly rising with some claiming it currently at 12 Hz. So, back to light, after all, God said let there be light and there was light. Not here where God supposedly was but there, somewhere else, implying existence of space and time for the sound waves to propagate.
Therefore God cannot be the light, light comes from God as part of Creation. The first order of day one. We should notice that all the prior Creation of the Elohim, Heavens and the Earth took place in silence. Some will want to point out that it is the plural Elohim who are translated as God and are the Creator. However that is because theirs edited version of the original narrative is missing the first letter Aleph in the opening of the first sentence, thus starting with the second letter Beth, means house, with Elohim becoming the third word after the banal 'In the beginning' which is grammatically awkward, since if the Elohim are the Creator God then it should start with Elohim bereshit bara, Elohim in the beginning have created, not In the beginning created Elohim, which is broken and out of order.
There are seven Elohim, the Cherub archangels, the seven planets, colours and sounds of the electromagnetic scale stretching from Heavens to Earth. The stairway to Heaven. The white light contains all the colors and aspects of all Elohim. This is the Light of Christ Consciousness, which is within us enabling our better choices. We are the Light containing all the Elohim, gods and goddesses, archangel cherubs, from the lowest to the highest, and it is our mission to bring it all together by way of raising our awareness, obtaining wisdom and become enlightened and illuminated by the Light of Christ Consciousness transcending to Supreme Unity with our Creator and Source of all Genesis.
Here at last we can add the missing letter Aleph to the opening text of the Law, Torah, which reveals the hidden Creator God, logically opening the sentence and the book, as Father of the Beginnings (Aba Rashit) Created the Elohim (Bara Elohim) et Hashamaim v'et Haaretz (and Heavens and the Earth). Since we now have the Father then it is only logical to conclude that we have the Mother as well. It takes two to tango. Ladies and Gentlemen (drummroll) our Eternal Parents and the Source of Genesis. The divine feminine and masculine, the yin and yang, peace and truth, circumference and centre, cathode and anode of the Universe.
In the Beginning there was the Mind, and since only now and here exists, with space and time being an illusion of sorts, therefore the original Mind is still here as is the original Creation, still taking place. Some parts of the mind see it all done while others are still conceptualizing where to start. Before any sound is emitted the silence rulled and in it the Elohim, the primordial Heavens and the Earth were Created.
Logically God's known attributes before the Creation of Light is silence and darkness, infinity and hidden. The act of Creation is process of Revelation. Transmutation of Mind into space and time, the elements of ether (Holy Spirit), air, water, and earth, then formation of sound and finally Light marking the end of the first day of Creation.
Ok, so logically then Creator God is hidden at first then makes up his Mind within the circumference of the primordial womb of the Virgin Mother Goddess. Mother represents the constant of Peace, number zero as infinite potential of infinite positive and negative values cancelling each other, with Father as the hidden and revealed Truth of it at the centre of Creation and all being. The constants forming the nucleus of Creation are balanced by constant change of the surrounding environment in spacetime continuum, the Samsara wheel of life, death and reincarnations.
The Mind is connecting the change registered by the senses and the Subconscious Mind and presents it to the Conscious Mind as a 3D moving pictures of reality. This Order is originated in Chaos of the primordial Mind sustained by the eternal energy which cannot be created or destroyed however it can be changed or maintained as constant. All matter is trope, i.e. transmutation of energy through different states of matter. Visible Light being the Beginning of the journey and ascended Consciousness the end of it.
Thus we can say that God is also energy and the Source of all Light and Creation. The energy is arising from infinite Chaos to form the Mind where the Order, constants, and thoughts could be created, maintained, manipulated and destroyed. From this Mind the rise of Sound and Light takes place, elementals with Fire as the last created elemental force as it requires all other elementals to be in existence. The Sound gives rise to the Magnetism and the moving magnetic field creates electricity, henceforth the electromagnetic radiation and force. No gravity anywhere in sight.
So, we continue reading Genesis 1:1, yes, we are still at the first paragraph, now looking at the second sentence. "And the earth was without the form, and void," Well, it really makes no sense, how is it possible for the newly created earth to have no form and void whatever that means? Looking at the Hebrew text the words Tohu wa-bohu are translated as without form and void however the more accurate translation is waste and desolation, thus we can establish that the earth was a desolate wasteland when first created with the darkness upon the face of the deep, waters that are covering the earth since dry land is not yet created.
Long story short, then in Genesis 1:26-27 God, the Father of the Beginnings, not the Elohim archangels (planets), says "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness;... male and female created he them." Here clearly the Father of the Beginnings is not talking to the Elohim but to his wife, the Mother Goddess and therefore the original man is created both male and female as an androgynous being, so called Kabbalistic Adam Kadmon. The demonized Lilith as Adam's first wife is none other than the divine feminine present in every man, as is divine masculine present in every woman. His second wife Eve, Hava in Hebrew, means life. Thus the Creation of Adam was in two stages, first as both masculine and feminine then as blood (dam) red clay (adamu) in marriage with life his wife. The second rib story is paraphrasing of the original Sumerian tale where ailing god Enki is cured by goddess Ninhursag after creating four gods and goddesses to do it, on of whom is goddess Nin Ti which means She is of Life however it is a pun also meaning She is of Rib, hence the rib reference. Albeit it could be also hint at genetic manipulation of some advanced ancient civilization as many researchers have proposed. Which is a whole different article.
CREATE (by God) vs MADE (by Lord God)
However, that said, let us notice the difference of words create and make. Arguably the story of the original man Creation may have been changed to fit a new development primarily that of a white man. God creates not makes. Who then made man in whose image? Exploring Genesis 1:26 farther.
Also, in Genesis 5:1-2 Lord God Jehovah is claiming to have MADE the Heavens and the earth yet in Genesis 1 the Creation takes place and no making or Lord God Jehovah is mentioned until Genesis 2:4, "These are the generations of the heavens (mentioned first) and of the earth (followed second indicating the creation took place starting from Heavens and ending at earth) when they were created; (this semicolon ends the creation as done by God, translated from plural masculine Hebrew word Elohim, who is in fact Father of the Beginnings Abarashit) in the day (reference to the light) that the Lord God (first appearance of YHVH tetragrammaton) made the earth and the Heavens," (here the word creation is replaced with made and the sequence is reversed now starting from earth then 》making《 its way up back to Heavens) the journey of light falling to earth and making its journey back to Heavens by way of life awaken in Consciousness.
Who is Yacub "Jacob" in the bible? The White Man-Made Man Via Instagram #the.2nd.self
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