in genesisproject •  6 years ago  (edited)

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It is indeed a sorrowful fact that the brain capabilities is decreasing gradually and it's our entire fault.About 50 years ago approximately, scientist and neurologist always compare the human brain to all advanced and super computer and none was a match for the brain. The brain can process information, interprets and respond to
it 10 times faster than the most advanced computers in the world. But it is my fear that in the next 20 years, the brain would be compared to an ordinary android phone. And in the next 100 years, it will probably be compared with Nokia3310, why?

The reason being that, our own creation, inventions and discoveries are limiting and outsmarting the function of our brain. For example, a long time ago, it was proven by scientist that the most intelligent people in the world are drivers in London, who memorize the 25,000 streets in London without mistaking or forgetting each route. But now, these drivers depend solemnly on the GPS in their vehicle for directions.
Before, our forefathers calculate with the brain,but now we depend on calculators. Even students still have to punch the calculator to calculate 5x9.

Before, our forefathers think deeply before they get the solution to problems or phenomenon, which is the major reason they kept discovering and inventing, they made judicious use of the brain and it served them right. But these days, we depend on Google for every solutions, thereby limiting the brain thinking efficiency.

Our brain has become lazy; we depend on machine for simple tasks that can boost the abilities of our brain.
"Stressing the brain with calculations and difficult
problem-solving strengthens the brain". If this present generation is like this, i.e. our brain
functions, ability, capability and efficiency is decreasing because of the modem technologies. What about the next generation? And i am very certain that before then, there will be crazy modem technologies, a lot of them, what
will their brain capacity be? Low or high

So,lets depend on our brain and not our brain depending on anything such as calculator, internet, and various technologies that will
make our brain lazy and slow down its creative

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