Sanctionstein: What is the real cause of America’s latest sanctions regime?

in geopolitics •  8 years ago 

This revealing statement within the article is exactly what the world needs to hear and recognize for what it means:

"In reality, the bill, a mess of incoherent reasoning, attempts to ‘isolate’ Russia and promote post-coup Ukraine’s privatised (and failing) oil and gas industry, now controlled by American investors."

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Like they remember how VP Joe Biden's son hunter was put on the board of a Ukraine energy company. Just like the Halliburton for (r). Two party system is killing America. Remove them all with party affiliations, they only think of themselves.

Hey, fractalfreedom. I could not agree with you more, and thanks for your comment. I have followed you, please follow me (-:

Actually their very latest sanctions regime is against Venezuela, which is now in deep shit. The USA don't like the president of Venezuela. They are calling him a dictator, even though he was democratically elected. The USA really behaves abominably in this world.

There are many who believe the CIA was involved in Hugo Chavez's death too... and it has been proved that the CIA has been involved in experiments in how to easily and quickly cause cancer.

If Maduro is such a freedom fighter, why did they block Guyanese drilling rights in the Caribbean Sea on oil that is formally recognized as part of Guyanese sovereignty? Why does the Maduro regime claim the Essequibo region as "Guayana Esequiba," even though this border dispute was settled between the British and the Venezuelans in the 1900s? Furthermore, in recommending the world read Noam Chomsky, did you forget that Chomsky denied the existence of the Cambodian genocide to further his political agenda?

Venezuela was nothing more than another failed Marxist dictatorship. Their economy was faltering well before oil prices collapsed and Chavez should've known, even as a socialist, that making his economy reliant on the export of a single commodity was unsustainable. If the CIA was responsible for his death, then kudos to them. The man was nothing more than a tyrant.

Thank you for your comment, deesunshine. You are quite correct on all counts. and that does not even begin to identify all of the meddling and destruction the US and CIA have caused and continue to cause. Mexico has the horrible and violent drug wars because of the CIA - these did not exist before. The horrible Ukraine situation was a US-sponsored coup and even now talks of further arming the Ukrainians so they can continue to slaughter innocent civilians - who refuse to accept the US-backed-and planted murderous Nazi regime as their government. And yes - Venezuela, now, so that they can gain control of those rich oil resources. Well, I could go on, but I think we are on the same page... I have followed you, please follow me (-: