I've been asked numerous times to look in to the "killing of #GeorgeFloyd" on 25th May, 2020/ #year12020HE . I was trying to understand what really happened. We are pretty busy with our #SuperCycloneAMPHAN and coronavirus situation, here in Bengal (West Bengal). We're going through our own version of disasters in here. Now, the things are, #Police_Brutality and cruelty and #Racism is nothing new in this world, it exists everywhere and yes..till this very day. Now, what i heard from a few news medias in here are that George Floyd was accused of Counterfeiting Money. But still it doesn't give #Police the right to kill him instead of getting him for trial. As far as i know about #USA #NorthAmerican #America's police protocol, police are supposed to put pressure on the back of the suspect with their knee and specifically " not on their neck" while apprehending them, and then handcuff and then deliver them to the police station for further questioning as soon as possible. In the video of George's apprehension, i saw the officer Derek Chauvin... who were detaining or arresting him, put pressure on Gorge's neck and keeps talking and talking and talking... What was THAT? What happened to that? Why was that? It was supposed to be a quick,easy, simple "Bag & Tag & Deliver" operation. Why wasn't it? It's not the job of police officers to care about what criminal charges their suspects are accused of, their job is to simply " Bag, Tag and Deliver" the suspects and targets to police stations and jails, the next job is Investigative officer's/ Interrogator's and then Court's and #JusticeDept's not police's on street. Why can't they do a single job like real professionals? Why these things have to happen? To be honest, i'm not supposed to give my opinion... But our friends at TFTP and PTP2.0 are right about this, It's more about Police Brutality and less about racism. Yes, maybe that police officer was racist, hidden inside of him, but still it's more and more about Police Brutality, a nasty Power Game. Otherwise why in Buffalo, police will hit an elderly/old white man to bleed on streets during George Floyd killing protests after few days? On the other hand, We have radical terrorist organizations like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA trying hard to hijack the movement and protests and they did mostly. Seriously you can't align with organizations like ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter or Klu Klux Klan... they surely aren't "well regulated militias" but they're terrorist organizations. I mean really, ANTIFA is basically a recreation of radical far-leftist Communist terrorist organization during World War II in Germany. They don't care about your rights, all of them only wants power in their hands, and as soon they get it..they'll show their true colors. Obviously, because of riots many stores and business outlets got destroyed, damaged and robbed... mostly small personal businesses held by individuals. And in this situation, President Trump is worried about Gucci stores and malls getting robbed which basically gives nothing back to the society? Seriously? 😆 What Gucci and similar conglomerates provides other than worthless shiny stuff for his ultra rich fa tass Capitalist friends? Art? I think, An Individual Artist provides more that 300% of art what gucci provides. Jobs? I'd say those employees should be relocated to other better jobs that actually does and provides anything useful to and for the society. Now, I think same should be done with all religious organizations too for the same reason.
An individual business has to endure alot with their loans and damages during these unstable times than those worthlessly wealthy Capitalist Conglomerates , Corporations. President Donald Trump needs to look on to those small private businesses instead of destroying environmental laws and helping his conglomerate richy friends to mix poison in the water of the rivers.
And lastly, I heard Michelle Obama screaming " Our muslim brothers.... " . I'd like to disagree. because , IsIs(Islamic State)/ISIL and maybe saudi arabia and iran would agree with her and if you lift it and put hindu into that..then RSS would agree. And ofcourse Israel and Vatican City comes for free with all of the previously mentioned. Only the colors are different, other than that..these and ANTIFA,BLM,KKK are the same to me. I don't understand why even iran so happy about this that they had to put signs of "last days of america"?, while they keep their own people and specifically women on shackles. Is that because they're pushing illegal money to those organizations??
Many questions remain. 😼