in georgewebb •  7 years ago 

For well over a year I have been tuning into YouTube to watch certain programs. Among these was the George Webb channel. Initially, he was focused on Eric Braverman, who once headed the Clinton Foundation. He soon enough was involved with the matter of Clinton entourage pedophilia and Haiti. The latter expanded into drugs and body-organ removal and subsequent vending. I state the latter case, although the sale and arrangement for transport must have preceded the obtaining of the organ(s). As noted by George Webb, handy surgical ships were commonly visiting Haiti during the period.

All this projects the obvious: George Webb has been delving into some exceedingly dark and perverted areas. Facts and "learned" speculation about associations of companies and peoples positioned to make it all work have been sprinkled throughout. One cannot help but suppose that George has some powerful assistance from some intelligence organization of note. Since he uploads 3-to-6 episodes almost every day, one wanders how he does all that he does. From current comments from George one can be certain that he has a supporting cast of researchers now helping him pursue the numerous singular creatures lurking underneath stones, logs and debris he stumbled or stumbles upon.

In the past George introduced Jason Goodman as a investigative partner. I'm sure he introduced one or two others along the way. Still, he seems to be the primary investigative reporter. His span of inquiry has become impressive.

This latter assessment by me has forced me to wonder out-loud, "Is there a secret purpose to his energetic digging and sharing?" [I don't really employ such style in my out-bursts.]

As the surfacing and increasingly noisy reports by George Webb populated YouTube (at the same time as others were reporting that their channels were being threatened by YouTube for the most minor of offenses), I kept awaiting lugubrious revelations from George that YouTube had censored one of his program episodes or had thrown him off its Internet site for a week. I never learned of any penalty or reprisal.

I could not help wondering if protective, "hidden hand" was not at work in regard to George.

The appearance of George Webb on YouTube seemed to be almost concurrent with the Donald Trump presidential campaign. Did the odd concern of Donald Trump to make America great again, which was a distinct, seemingly impossible, counterpoint to the overwhelmingly popular and powerful "America-the equal in the world community of nations" theme, which was being espoused by the vast majority of U.S. politicians, have a unique genesis. Could be.

Although both the Trump and anti-Trump crowd have powerful Jewish backing, the anti-Trump forces seemed to dominate the major media. How could the Trump crowd - themselves apparently seething with double-agents - outflank the "fake news" pouring out daily?

I suspect that the underlying power that has galvanized the Trump presidential campaign resides in Israel in the headquarters of Binyamin Netanyahu.

I believe that Israel under the Likud Party has seen a frightening drop in its support from European allies of old on too many issues. The advent of the Barack Obama presidency may have been initially welcomed in Tel-a-Viv, but subsequent revelations by the Obama Administration sent a chilling message to Israel's leaders: Without us you are alone; do as we advise -or else.

Jews have become accustomed to more "reaching out" approaches by American politicians. I believe that early in the Obama Administration Israeli leaders decided that it had to move to prevent another Obama-type presidency. From the Israeli point of view there were at least two major problems in America which affected its security. Firstly, Israel could not accept equality with other nations in its position with the United States. Secondly, the recklessness of Democrat-Republican politicians in regard to the political economy of the United States was weakening the one nation upon which it depended for support in the United Nations and the world. In short a strong America was good for Israel's future. Therefore, above all other foreign policy positions, Israel had to throw its considerable influence into strengthening the U.S.

Binyamin Netanyahu must have viewed Obama as weak and not good for Israel. "Never Again!" he and many other Israelis must have thought.

I come now to my conclusion: If Donald Trump's presidential campaign could be likened to a messiah setting forth on his political ministry, George Webb's simultaneous appearance on alternate Internet media might be likened to a prophet helping to prepare the way by relentless revelations that impugned the reputations of the primary political opponents (Hillary & Barack) of Donald Trump. I suspect that the Mossad fed the necessary data to George Webb by means of a string of agents. At one point George even seem to state that he was Mossad.

If George Webb was an agent of the Mossad, directly or indirectly, he apparently has had its help, whereby he was provided enough damaging data to motivate the tainted Department of Justice to get off its courtly pedestal and "drain the swamp" - however gentlemanly.

Yet, George, who is a Jew, recently acknowledged his credentials as being of "German" heritage. This was in conjunction with an assault on "Nazi scientists" who were slipped into the United States, presumably by Nazi sympathizers such as Alan Dulles, to propel America's space and nuclear defense capabilities. He knew full well that no politician would style these Nazi scientists as "Dreamers." It is unclear whether George Webb thought these scientists should have been executed at Nuremberg, given over to the American ally, U.S.S.R., or put in cages to be gazed at by hate-stoked Allied victors. One of these German scientists was named "Mueller," which provided a pretext to unload on any German as a "Nazi," if he bore that name.

Jews like to play the Nazi card whenever they want to strike a persecuted pose or want to assume a high moral ground. At last, George Webb has succumbed. He has started to tar Donald Trump's opponents as Nazis.

Perhaps it is time for the Mossad to break the hard news to George: "It's over, it's over!" "Breaking up is hard to do," according to the lyrics of an early rock-n-roll song. Yet, George could take heart from the words of another song, "I will survive! I will survive!"


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