Soros-Funded German Sea Watch Welcomes Another 60 Central Africans Fished Out of Sea

in germany •  6 years ago 

2019.1.10 | Germany, Refugees, Migrants, Open Borders, Sea Watch

The German Sea Watch organization actively fished more people out of the Mediterranean Sea to bring them to Germany. The German government approved the welcome of another 60 ‘refugees’ from Central Africa.

The majority of the migrants are black men who had spent weeks onboard the Sea Watch vessel waiting for a green light. Sea Watch is funded by financial-terrorist-turned-philanthropist George Soros.

There are no known wars or famines in Central Africa that justify mass illegal migration to Europe. The cause of the black exodus from Africa lies in its birth rates. Central African women have the highest birth rates in the world. Outputting around 6 to 8 children per woman, black Africa has become the world’s nursery.

The United Nations projects that the black African population will triple this century, from 1 billion to over 3 billion people. Since Africa’s home economies cannot provide for these massive surplus populations, they must march to the developed economies of Europe and North Africa.

While U.S. President Trump is building a wall on the Mexican border, European officials have yet to discuss laying a minefield in the Mediterranean Sea.

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