"G.E.S.A.R.A LAW was signed off at the HAGUE (International Court Of Justice) by all World Leaders. Win by any means necessary."
"By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)"
"THE HAGUE in favor of the Chinese with the USA to start to settle the claims in 2008.
No private owner can receive more than 0.5-2%"
"There are only one Security House that can receive the Boxes and make the Tramitations in Switzeland in Europe."
"the Supreme Court Justices are fully aware that the World Global Settlements (WGS), the Global Currency Reset (GCR), and all associated/reliant programs are in the final completion process"
"The RV teams at the banks reported that they were still on schedule according to the current schedule that the World Court has mandated."
"The Chiasso financial smuggling case began on June 3, 2009 near Chiasso, Switzerland (near the Swiss/Italian border)"
"people who claim to be "invested" in Secret Investment Pools, CMKX Settlements and World Global Settlements. Apparently, years ago these investors gave money to some well connected insiders with the assurance that their small investments would pay off in handsome riches when the Banksters were taken down and we returned to the Gold Standard."