Monaco - what's yours is mine (game) : I guess it is ok

in getyerlearnon •  6 years ago 

This is a top-down stealth and action game with less than awesome graphics. I am not going to get on anyone's case about the graphics because it was produced by a small company. That being said, i think the game is just a bit meh.


The story is pretty normal, a bunch of characters that can be chosen in order to break into certain places and rob the people that are charged with protecting it. There are 8 different characters that the users can choose and they all have their own strengths and weaknesses.


You enter each stage with a certain objective (as you would expect) and up to 4 players can co-op to complete the levels. You have to progress pretty far in the game in order for the guards to be anything other than completely inept. I have to admit that the game with one player was completely lame but became a lot more fun in multi-player mode, but only just.

Now if you look online this game has absolutely rave reviews so perhaps I am wrong in my decision to say that after I played it for a couple days I was kind of over it. However, my opinion is the only one I have access to and I was bored after a few days. I found the gameplay to be repetitive and none of the levels to be particularly difficult. It was very rare for me to actually die.

I suppose one of the redeeming qualities of this game is the fact that it is super-cheap (less than $10) and you can co-op a game almost immediately online via STEAM. You are also able to play this game locally because I know for sure that everyone has 4 Xbox 360 controllers lying around.

Many of the professional reviewers out there say that this game "should be skipped if there is no intention of playing co-op mode" and I couldn't agree more. The game is flat-out boring if playing in single player mode, but can at least be pretty captivating played with 3 other people.

Overall, I always try to give special attention to indie games, especially when they forgo high-end graphics and focus on gameplay. However, for this guy, Monaco just kind of falls flat.

Sorry to any fanbois out there, but it just didn't float my boat.

5 / 10

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For an old school gamer like me, this game is an amazing reminder of what game's were like at the dawn of video games, and how far they have come as well. The single-player game is good, but the game truly shines in coop play.

Up to 4 friends running around laughing and shouting in vent (I'd love to play this like we used to play Goldeneye on the SNES, but alas, employment options have us all over now), running around in panic from a missed alarm or some angry guards while trying to grab all the cash you can is amazingly fun.

I haven't gotten far in the campaign or tried all the classes yet, but even the early missions are hilarious and chaotic with friends, and buying it via Steam was a snap. The game screams for custom levels in the future, giving it even more appeal and longevity.

A heartfelt thumbs up!

Goldeneye on the SNES was good times

Monaco i guess i have played it once or twice some 3 months ago. The graphics are average and the gameplay is good. Though it should have included some advanced features. I dont like complicated games. But this one is too simple. I am gonna rate this 3/10. Stealth games are meant to be extraordinary with brilliant graphics to make you get the feel.

Yes one player mode games will be bored after some days playing there is another multi player game which is mini militia on play store we always enjoy this game

Hiii... Gooddream

I Don't Know More About This Game. But, Your Review Always Perfect.So,this game is not superb. But, okkkk..

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hey pal, that is a complicated question and the answer is even more difficult to provide because there is no one answer to that. I would suggest trying to look up some threads to answer that question and remember that longevity is the answer in most things, Steemit is not an exception.

Be social, engage with people and bring value, be creative too. These will sure get you started, its a big world here buddy, take your time and look aound

My lord! gooddream you have played like a thousand games 😭😭😭😭 i think i want to be like you!

Hmmn the games doesnt sound like something that rocks my boat either, however if gooddream says its a 5/10 then its pretty much a 4/10 from me, i'm not calm enough to take the time to realise how not interesting it is

I love to play pubg and Dota, even my girlfriend had started calling me Dota's lover. :D

The thing I loved about it is the involvement of 8 characters and the top down game play. Other features as you said are lame. This game is too ordinary. The fact that it is too easy and has repetitive game play makes it even more disliking from my point of view. Guards, I mean they are meant to be watching firmly so that you can't get away easily. But here in Monaco it ain't the case. The guards are dumb I would say. You really have to complete several missions for them to do their job. My view is 😩😩😩 for the game.

The visuals and format are reminiscent of Chaos Engine on the Amiga, Smash TV on the coin-op (sorry guys if you missed the late 80s early 90s era) and Loaded, one of the early launch games on the PS1.

Anyone draw any more comparisons to the format?

I supose it's a game better suited for having fun with friends