The USA Supreme Court thing is just absurd

in getyerlearnon •  6 years ago 

Let's start out by saying that I don't want Kavanaugh to be a Supreme Court Justice... but it has nothing to do with this "he said, she said" crap.


I don't want him to be SCOTUS because he has a pretty terrible (in my view) track record as far as the 4th amendment is concerned. If you aren't aware of what that means it is the one that protects Americans against "Illegal search and seizure." Basically, the one that limits the power of the government to harass you or pry into your life in the interest of "security." There are tons of ways that this can be abused, particularly on the part of the people that currently hold the power.

I saw a poll recently that showed whether Americans believed Dr. Ford, or Kavanaugh. It has rather predictable results and says a lot about the nation.

  • 73% of Democrats believed Ford as opposed to 11% believing Kavanaugh
  • 74% of Republicans believed Kavanaugh and around 14% believed Ford

I think near 100% of these people are lying or didn't even watch the inquiries at all

See the trend there? I can all but guarantee that nearly all of these people had already made up their minds before they even heard either of these 2 people talk. I can all but guarantee that vast majority of them don't really even know anything about either of the people, but just based their decisions on whatever groups they tend to follow on Facebook to give them "the news they like to hear."

Just so you know, i didn't watch the proceedings at all. I can't stand to do so. This is just another opportunity for Senators that you don't ever think about to get some time on TV to progress their own careers and to virtue signal to others out there. I certainly hope it backfires on them because I for one am sick of this crap.

you're an asshat
and so are you

My prediction!

The vote will go on as planned in 7 days and Kavanaugh will be a Supreme Court Justice because the Republicans have the amount of votes necessary to make that happen. Given the attention that this is being paid by the absurd media in America, there is virtually NO CHANCE than any Republican Senator is going to risk their jobs, even if they do believe that Kavanaugh doesn't belong there. The Democrats are going to cry foul and whine and what not and try to turn that into votes in November elections.

I for one wish that the people of the USA would wake up and realize that these people aren't working for us, and it is time to vote all of them out. ALL OF THEM. I don't follow the politics of any other country but if you are not American I certainly hope that your elected leaders behave like actual adults. The ones in USA seem to be incapable of doing so.

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I wrote on it vaguely yesterday. The current politics we play now is to the dogs, and it is only getting worse with each passing day

Really bad for the USA itself and just an another media circus that caracterised this country since the arrival of Trump. While the people are wasting their time watching this stuff, they don't look at what is important: the well being of the democratic institutions. This reality show is all about making people forget this important subject and the true colours of the partisanship sadly. China and Russia are propably laughing right now !


I am usually away from politics but yes, I agree from your point of view, the political leaders such act maturely and in sensible way.

I totally agree with you that now a days people has no logic in choosing the right person,
In my opinion people should do some background research before giving vote to someone. One should be familiar with the person to whome he is giving his power in the form of vote.

This should cheer things up!