A bit about the girls

in girls •  8 years ago  (edited)

 Girls do not cease to amaze me, yet their psychology and the inner world very different from our male.

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Down voted. Well earned my friend.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Nice, thanks for the post @blackmask

Okay, maybe I'm just plain stupid, but I read this post and I have no idea what you're talking about. The only things I want to comment on here is some of your commentary on rape, just in case a survivor stumbles across this post.

First of all, I don't know what scientists you are talking about with regard to survivor's thoughts during an attack. If you could present that article or study, I would love to read it. I find that finding incredibly hard to believe, and I would have to question any methodology that led to that finding.

Second, while fighting back or resisting an attack seems to increase the chances of preventing it, stating that there is a "high probability" the attacker will lose interest or desire is questionable. As a note for those who were not able to resist or suffered immobility during the time (freezing), these are also not uncommon reactions to an attack. Such reactions comprise a spectrum of the responses to a sexual assault, thus it is not the fault of the victim if he/she is unable to prevent the attack.

I don't know why I even responded to this gibberish. Regardless, I hope this somewhat balances the statements made above (especially for those affected by sexual assault and see this post).

wtf this copy pasted fake shit makes 140$?? gfo

Welcome on earth.

That's the nature of a woman

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment