Original upload by Tony Pantalleresco
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Bad scientific studies and you hear of a high ranking institution that may sound like they are cutting edge but they are cutting edge BS and how to scrutinize these studies
Aerosolling spraying air being neutralize by greenhouse gases
The greenhouse did not impact the planet till they started spraying
Nanoparticles and how they function and their dimensions-and there is such an array of these nanoparticles that there are things that we have no idea but what we do know is that all the nano is superconductive and can carry energy frequency at a super higher rate
The different conductive nanoparticles can cause capacitance (can store static energy) and induction and the Sun hitting the particles are being hit with high photonics (a form or Electromagnetic Energy as well) and solar causing the Microwave effect as a result
We don't have global warming we have global hoaxing ongoing
The heating of the planet with microwaving and the 300 solar heaters and you have a supercharged atmosphere and the multiple freq causing to have an on and off switch targeting where ever you like and the greenhouse is not caused by cow shit or to much green it is all about freq activation
The multilayering of these nanoparticles as cause a multi waving and microwaving
The ignorance of the non-assessing of the speed of light hitting the particulates would cause a high heat--and the heat conductance is amplified up to 10,000X'x
Transferring across the planet other fields forms as well--and causing a Super heating impact--the conductivity on nanoscale do not function as a micro level and the pico levels are more conductive
Every time they clear cut areas they take the protection of the planets and the vegan game to get them to propagate this activity being oblivious to the full extent of what is going on
ScienceDaily - Noninvasive light-sensitive recombinase for deep brain genetic manipulation http://bit.ly/2WluBdF
ScienceDaily - Scientists achieve the first stable simulations of DNA crystals - http://bit.ly/2S2qp3r
Some of What You Can Do
Avoid or grain products - bread, rice, pasta, cereal etc. - they are loaded with nano, which then will effect your intestinal colon, your skeletal system, your organs,.. and will not come out by them self. Then you are easier accessible by blue beam technology, or Voice To Head or sonic resonators etc.
Detox from these nano particles. -
2.1 Anti-nano bucket, How to Make: http://bit.ly/2B2Iy7u
2.1a Triangle -pulser for bath to remove nano tech and other toxins & ready made anti-nano bucket
2.2 More about nano solutions: http://Bryan396.com/
2.3 Start using boron or borax as supplement
2.4 Start using Iodine as supplement to remove radiation
2.4 Start using some chelating agents that bind with accumulating metals in your system and will pull stuff out of your system.Shield from EM - Lead Paint, Kapton material
https://www.ebay.ca/sch/i.html?_odkw=KAPTON&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR1.TRC0.A0.H0.XKAPTON+Sheets.TRS0&_nkw=KAPTON+Sheets&_sacat=0Always think in terms of 2019, here and now.
Always think in terms of AI
Always think in terms of synthetic biology
Always think in terms of environmental hazards that are floating in the atmosphere
Always think in terms of microwaves & other terahertz frequencies coming down from the sky
Always think in terms of smart dust smart sensors & smart tech that are in the food supply & what it does there
Keep in mind that what we are going through today is an atrocity of a great magnitude, it is huge, gigantic, it is worldwide
Brainstorm with other people around the earth to come out with good sound ideas
Not only read but also experiment on what you hear to see if there is validity on the report.
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Nano-poisoning resources:
's Mainstream Nano Docs: https://plus.google.com/collection/ULVqTE
Tony's resource directory by s'mo http://bit.ly/2B0WlLR
Tony's catalog and inventory http://bit.ly/2RbzWR9
Tony's database http://bit.ly/2HwfUkO
HerbsPlusBeadWorks' remedies in YT http://bit.ly/2MwNUMx
i) Suzanne Maher's https://ByeByeBlueSky.com/
ii) https://www.GagCanada.com/#
Protocols for colon health http://bit.ly/2CHl0VO
Contact details for consultation: independz at yahoo dot com
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