The Megalomaniacs & Psychopaths By Jeff Prager

in globalism •  5 years ago 

The Megalomaniacs & Psychopaths
By Jeff Prager

With some very minor help from Mr. Sir Van Morrison.

We’re all slaves to the capitalist system which is ruled by the global elite. The individual working class person no longer exists — I say “individual” meaning the people that gathered around the kitchen table and discussed world events over daily family dinners and developed their own opinions based on facts and relative conversation, the exchange of ideas and viewpoints with others.

We’re controlled by the media, everything we say and do. What happened to the individual? They filled our heads with so much propaganda, entertainment on TV and all kinds of shite. Tell you up is down and wrong is right. Nothing to hang your hat on, we can’t even get it right. What happened to you, me, what happened to us?

We’re controlled by the capitalist system specifically designed with one escape — homelessness. A systemic certainty if we engage in what is necessary long-term peaceful protest. We lose everything.

They took away our constitution, written for them not us anyway, written by the well fed, well bred, well read and well wed of the 1780s, the Bushes, Clintons, Obamas and Trumps of that day — lawyers and land and slave owners — since you and I couldn’t even read or write. Taking away or circumventing the constitution was easy. It was designed with 3 branches who operate as one, the federal government. Meaning no branch has any reason to oppose the others and if so, interpretation by a god-like Supreme Court settles the issue one way or another — by decision or by returning the case to the lower court.

They taught us in schools to speak “waffle” as Van says, the language they taught us to talk, meaning we can’t properly use the entire content of the English language because it wasn’t taught. We were taught just enough to say “yes” or “no” when questioned and moreover, to obey authority starting with seat assignments, worshiping a flag, singing songs and doing homework while attending school for 8 hours a day. Preparation for a lifetime of work begins at age 3. Thus, our ability to critically, creatively and properly parse complex thoughts has been wiped from our collective minds. Please, examine the entirety of your human to human conversation for one day and you’ll see what I mean.

If that’s not enough, computers are on the way out and you know as well as I do that everyone has a phone and many access Facebook and this post with their phones which, inherently, reduce conversion to worthless drivel.

When they took away our Constitution we didn’t even know what happened but when the banks and multinationals write the legislation and Congress and the Senate are complicit in all sorts of known crimes and a justice system exists in two parts, one for the wealthy and one for the poor, with the rare occasional wealthy sort getting lengthy prison time — rarely — to keep up looks, it’s not hard to see reality. Then the rich imprisoned dude, in federal prison with a 9-hole golf course and putting green, tennis courts and an indoor pool, sauna and hot tub (pool tables, chess, cards, checkers and TV for those so inclined) he/she is pardoned by the current or next president. Think Mark,aptly named “Rich” or Scooter. Who decides to go by the name Scooter in public? Megalomaniacs.

Speaking of which, megalomaniacs and psychopaths that is, the book by Heinz Pommer discusses these fucks at length as we view their greed, their missing spirit and their absolute and total ignorance — while believing they know it all. But they don’t. Empathy is life’s humanitarian key, necessary to be human. Conversation is the methodology used to communicate new ideas and reading is the foundation it’s all built upon. That simple.

Unfortunately the police state and global government have been with us for 2 decades and within 10 years there will be cameras everywhere, facial recognition and pre-crime policies in effect and we’ll live within the Matrix of a total surveillance society — across the globe.

Believe me, biological identification through retina scans are already being used in 10s of countries for identification purposes. When rice-sized implants are the norm containing banking and other data, like retina scans, gouged out eyeballs and sliced off arms will become the new crime wave. Let’s call it 20 years from now. If you haven’t noticed, with a massive number of frequent shootings it’s almost already too dangerous to go out during business hours let alone at nigh time.


They can’t be stopped by virtue of ownership of all in-ground resources, the electrical grid, the communication network and internet, the media, the financial system, the food distribution system and their enormous, over-the-top military machines.

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