The global corporation agenda.

in globalist •  2 years ago 


The reason for big global corporations through the WEF to exert influence on governments intended to make international commerce easier for the corporations is clear. Its the profit motive. When Trump insisted that trade deals and foreign policy involving America be primarily beneficial for Americans, that idea didn't go over well at all with the global corps.

THEIR interests were more important.

So politicians around the world are bought off. People like Biden. Red China is the biggest player on this global team as a combination powerful government AND global corporation. China's corporations are ruled by and their agenda is set by the Party.

In America, in addition to the push to get Americans to buy into the globalist agenda, climate change and democratic socialism is pushed as being necessary for a better quality of life for the world community at large. Bleeding hearts abound.

Open borders is also a globalist idea, serving two purposes. Central Americans provide a cheap labor force and vote Democratic. Pandering to blacks doesn't do much for the labor force but it does keep them voting Democrat. There are two major government pushes under Biden that are a little harder to pinpoint as to how they help globalists.

One is the entire gay movement. Transgenderism, feminism, toxic masculinity and the push for Beta males in our society.

I'm going to take a guess and say the powers behind all this would rather not contend with manly men but rather a society of pussies.

The second is this frantic drive to make abortion acceptable as if it's no different than tossing a disposable paper plate. What is with that? Again I'll take a stab. It is a giant experiment in destroying the doctrine of sanctity of human life.

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