Statolatry on the rise.

in globalist •  4 years ago 


It seems to be the case that worship of the State is on the rise with an ever increasing percentage of the population... much as Huxley, Orwell, and many others predicted.

But the really interesting thing is what we find when we look behind the curtain to see who controls the increasingly authoritarian fascist-communist State: super rich globalist oligarchs and their corporations, foundations, think tanks, “educational” institutions, and mainstream media propaganda outlets.

Dirty little secret: super rich control freaks have always loved communism, which is why they literally created it and financed it into existence in the first place... starting with Marx and Engels, followed by the Bolsheviks, then Mao Zedong.

It was just a matter of:

  1. systematically abusing capitalism to their own benefit for several hundred years, which has not only made them obscenely rich, but has also had the intended effect of discrediting capitalism in the public mind; followed by...
  2. develeloping a form of communism which could be effectively blended with fascist capitalism, which is exactly what they’ve accomplished with communist China over the past 50 years; followed by...
  3. developing sufficiently advanced technology to psychologically, mentally, biologically, and physically control the masses while systematically culling the undesirables along the way.
    Now that these things have all been accomplished, it’s time for the Davos oligarchs to move the world into global communism at long last, which is the process we’re now witnessing.
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