GMO Foods Declared Unsafe by Top GMO Creator!

in gmo •  6 years ago  (edited)

Still think GMO foods are safe to eat? Caius Rommens, THE pioneer GMO-potato creator, PhD biologist and publisher of over 200 patents on GMO gene splicing, says NOT SAFE!!!


Actual scientist, y'all. He says things like:

🐍 "...pathogens cannot be controlled by single genes" (He even admits that he wanted to believe this even though he knew the truth while he was doing the work!)

🐍 "Our assumption was that GMOs are safe. But my pro-biotech filter eventually wore thin and finally shattered entirely."

🐍 "Another strange assumption was [the ability] to predict the absence of unintentional long-term effects on the basis of short-term experiments. It was the same assumption that chemists had used when they commercialized DDT, Agent Orange, PCBs, rGBH, and so on."

😳 DDT, Agent Orange (also created by Monsanto), PCBs, rGBH (the hormone used to make cows produce more milk)... we know none of that stuff is safe NOW. But they were all ASSUMED safe after short-term experiments (which is all the FDA requires a company to perform before announcing its new chemical "safe".)

GMO contamination of the US food supply is fairly complete so what can you do?

Eat local food -- organic, pastured, grass-fed/finished -- as much as possible, with store-bought non-GMO and/or organic being 2nd best.

Demand your restaurants use non-GMO ingredients. Every time you go there, ask, "When are you all going non-GMO?" Big smile, pleasantly loudly 😘

Support restaurants and brands that bear the Non-GMO Project label. These are not organic foods and may still be contaminated with glyphosate, but they don't contain GMOs!

That's a good start 👏

Avoiding GMOs is the very best way to avoid eating as much glyphosate, the herbicide created by Monsanto that led to the creation of GMO foods.

IOW, if there were no glyphosate, there would be no need for GMO foods. GMOs weren't created to "feed the world" -- haha, that's marketing boloney. GMO foods were created to sell more glyphosate.

Btw, glyphosate was just officially blamed for causing cancer. [link below]

My real foodie friends and I have been called anti-science for hammering away about the dangers of GMO foods. Rommens -- an actual scientist -- says: "The real anti-science movement the laboratories of corporate America."

Yep. I'm not in favor of bashing all corporations because a few of them are evil. It's just that a few of them are evil.

THIS is why I so enthusiastically promote Arbonne: they've known the importance of non-toxic products since 1980! ALL of its products -- nutrition, makeup, skincare -- are certified non-GMO by the Non-GMO Project. Plus Arbonne bans 2000 ingredients (as opposed to the 12 banned by the FDA 🤦‍♀️) Plus we are certified vegan, cruelty-free, carbon-zero, low glycemic, kosher... these products are as clean as they come! I could eat my mascara. I mean, I won't... but I could. 💋

THIS is also why I support the Weston A. Price Foundation, the place I learned about clean, nutrient-dense food back in 2006. Bless them for the work they do!


GMO scientist reveals hidden health dangers in GMOs:

dewayne johnson.jpg
Glyphosate causes cancer:!

Photo essay of children harmed by Agent Orange:

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