What is the “Deadly Wound” in Rev 13:3 and how was it “healed”?

in god •  9 years ago 

“Rev 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. ”
This beast is ruled by the dragon (Satan) who gives power and authority to the beast to accomplish Satan’s work.
Rev 13:2 “And the dragon (Satan) gave him (the beast) his power, and his throne and great authority.”
What is the dragons character ?
We know the dragon, devil or Satan is all the same entity and the father of lies, due to the following verse where Jesus is talking to the most Jewish people on the planet that don,t believe in Jesus.
Joh_8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He (Satan) was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Satan's Goal
To receive the worship of the world, in place of Jesus Christ, through deception and lies. That includes getting worshiped (by way of deception) from the Angles. Rev_12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars (angles that follow Satan) of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman (Mary) which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child (Jesus) as soon as it was born. Satan did not succeed at killing Jesus as soon as he was born. So Satan was so brash, he tried to get Jesus Christ to worship him.
“Mat_4:8 Again, the devil took him (Jesus) up into an exceeding high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
“Mat 4:9 And said to him, All these things will I give you, if you will fall down and worship me.
“Mat 4:10 Then Jesus said unto him, Get behind me, Satan: for it is written, You should worship the Lord your God, and him only should you serve. ”

So, when Jesus refused to worship Satan, he had his followers, the unbelieving Jews, kill him. Satan’s knows he is not going to be able to kill everyone that has heard the truth that Jesus had be spreading for the 3 ½ years so he turns to killing their faith in Jesus. Satan's plan is to get them to worship him without them realizing it through what he is the father of ….“LIES” and deception. He knows if he can get them to worship him, that would kill their faith in Jesus and their everlasting spiritual life as well. He had already deceived most Jews into believing that they would reign over the world which was Rome. They were deceived into believing they would conquer Rome with Gods help. But Jesus said their house was left desolate which means God took the helper (the holy spirit) away from them. Jew believed after they conquered Rome all non Jews would be grafted into their earth ruling Jewish kingdom, but God sent his son to tell them other wise, they did not want to hear anything else, they now had for their father the Devil. That's why they were killing the followers of Jesus. Satan was so good at deception they had no idea they were not serving the true Father God and really they were heading for the lake of fire. Those who followed Jesus Christ and refuse to be deceived and bow down to Satan and his followers were not worried about their body's because they had the promise of getting a new spiritual body when their physical body died Just like Jesus did. 1Co_15:44 The body that is "planted" is a physical body. When it is raised, it will be a spiritual body. There is a physical body. So there is also a spiritual body.

This Great Controversy between Christ and Satan started in the Garden of Eden when the serpent, Satan, LIED and deceived Eve to go against God.
Genesis 3:13 “And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled (charm or enchant (someone) in a deceptive way.) me, and I did eat.
Genesis 3:14 “And the Lord God said unto the serpent, because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt you go, and dust shalt you eat all the days of your life.
Genesis 3:13-15“And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed ( all that go against God or his son) and her seed (All that want to go by God or Jesus): He (Christ) shall bruise your head (Satan’s “head” and his deceivers) and you (Satan) shalt bruise His (Christ’s) heel.”

Clearly Satan and his followers, the Pharisees and Sadducees , “bruised the heel of Christ” when they called for Christ to be beaten be on recognition and killed in the most painful, humiliating, way – death on a cross – like a criminal. It was only like the “heel” of Christ that was bruised because He triumphantly rose from the dead, and was given back his spiritual body he originally had in heaven before he was born on earth, and in doing so – saved the whole world of believers in him! Because his perfect body of no sin what so ever, was of such immense valued it could pay for all sins of man that believed.
The Pharisees were those who kept the “traditions, that made the Word of God of none effect” (Mentioned in Mark 7:13) that Jesus so strongly rebuked, calling them, vipers (serpents – like Satan), hypocrites, synagogue of Satan, and “of your father, the devil.”
The Pharisees (Jews)were blasphemers because they said Jesus was doing all of his miracles through Satan and not through the very Holy spirit of God the father. Unbelieving Jews were haters of Jesus Christ and His followers. After Christ’s crucifixion, the priests and leaders of the Jews tried to destroy His followers, the disciples. James, the brother of John, was beheaded, Peter eventually was crucified, Paul was beheaded, and John was exiled to the lonely island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation.
The oral “traditions” that the priest and leader of the Jews had already created from mans wisdom during the old testament times were expanded to include the denouncing of everything Jesus taught. These oral “traditions were written in over a hundred books which is collectively called the Talmud, the “holiest” books of the Jews today. This is totally different then the book of the old and new testament bible that Christians go by. The Talmud says many things like “Jesus is boiling in hot excrement in hell” and that “Even the best of the Gentiles (non Jews) should ALL be killed.” Do a search on Goggle for the word “Talmud” for more information.

What does “He shall bruise thy head. . . in” Gen 3:15 mean.
We have seen how the devil and his followers the priests and leaders of the Jews bruised Jesus's heal but how did Jesus bruise the head of the devil followers.
Clearly, Jesus bruised the head of Satan severely, in the following ways:
God’s presence left the temple spiritually desolate in Jerusalem in 30 AD. The spirit of God no longer resided in the physical temple.
Mat_21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
Matt 23:38 Shortly before His crucifixion, Jesus said to the Jews “Your house (meaning temple) is left unto you desolate. . .”
The Second way Jesus bruised the head of Satan severely:Temple Destroyed
In 70 A.D. the Jewish temple – their very identity, which was their pride and joy - was utterly burnt down and destroyed physically by the Romans. Over 1 million Jews that did not believe in Jesus, died and 90,000 were taken captive for slavery. Jesus prophecyed in 30AD the temple being destroyed and it happen in 70AD In Mat_24:2 Jesus looking at the temple said unto them, See you not all these things? (referring to the temple) verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
What temple do we use then ?
Now with no physical temple Jesus became the spiritual temple because he said to the Pharisees while standing in the temple, in: Matt 12:6 “But I say unto you, That in this place is One greater than the temple.”speaking of himself being the spiritual replacement for the physical temple. Joh_2:19 Jesus said Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. He was talking about his body (The Temple) being destroyed because he knew the Jews were going to kill him, and after three days he would rise up again as the new spiritual temple in the new spiritual Jerusalem. Which is exactly what he did after the Jews killed him. 1Co_15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Where is this New Jerusalem that the temple of Jesus is in ?
The apostle John saw this new Jerusalem in heaven in
Rev 21:10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain (heaven), and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Rev_21:22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb (Jesus) are the temple of it. There is no need for a physical temple any more.
So where is Jesus now ?
Mat_26:64 Jesus said, nevertheless I say unto you, from now on shall you see the Son of man (Jesus) sitting on the right hand of power (God), and coming in the clouds of heaven. (coming Spiritually through the holy spirit.)

Mat_28:18 Jesus said All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Joh_14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy spirit ...
Joh_15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceeds from the Father, he shall testify of me:
So the Second way Jesus bruised the head of Satan is by utterly destroyed the unbelieving Jews temple. Nothing was left.
The Third way Jesus bruised the head of Satan:
The Jews, and their religious leaders, the Pharisees back in Jesus's day were the founders of the Satanic religion of the Talmud and had taught that if you had the documents proving you were of the physical lineage of Abraham you would inherit the Kingdom of God. But these records were all burnt up in the temple when it was destroyed. The complete identity of the Jews had been demolished.
We know that it was not the physical lineage that was important, Jesus even admitted that they were the physical seed of Abraham in Joh_8:37 I know that you are Abraham's (Physical) seed; but you seek to kill me, because my word has no place in you. Which means the spiritual seed of Abraham was not in them.. Joh_8:39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them,If you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham.
What were the works of Abraham ?
God said in Gen 18:18-19 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
The Jews that Jesus was talking to, were trying to kill Jesus, an innocent man, proving they were not going by the commands of Abraham to keep the way of the lord, and to do justice. There is not Justice in killing any innocent man, let alone the son of God. If Abraham was their father they would be the children with the spirit of justice in their heart, the Justice Abraham taught in the scriptures that the Jews claimed to know so well. But these unbelieving Jews are trying to kill the most innocent man ever to walk the planet. Proving they are not children of Abraham's spirit.

The word of God was accomplished
Genesis 3:13-15“ He (Christ) shall bruise your head (Satan’s “head” and his deceivers) and you (Satan) shalt bruise His (Christ’s) heel.” this prophecy was fulfilled from 30AD to 70 AD.
Rev_13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death.”
In conclusion
The “head of the serpent” was bruised and it was a “deadly wound”. It occurred when Satan had taken over the Godly kingdom of the Jews who were doing Satan's will at the spiritually fallen temple in Jesus's day , the unbelieving Jews having had their temple abandoned spiritually by God and then having it physical destroyed in 70 A.D. when many thousands were taken captive.
Not only was the temple “left desolate” spiritually and then destroyed 40 years later physically , but so was the city of Jerusalem and the land of Israel which had all the Jewish towns in it. The surviving Jews and their leaders, the Pharisees, were taken captive, Over 1 million Jews that did not believe in Jesus, died and 90,000 were taken captive for slavery. And the historical documents of their genealogies of descendancy had been erased from history in the fire of the temple. I think its fair to say at this point the unbelieving Jews were not the Chosen people of God.

If in AD 30 the physical temple was left desolate by God of his Holy spirit. Who's spirit came rushing in to fill the void of holy spirit in the temple for 40 years until the temple was completely destroyed in AD 70?

The leader and their followers of the now defiled physical temple kingdom “Israel” was now left unprotected by God and were no different then the 6 ungodly kingdoms before them. Satan climbed aboard and started riding it with full control in 30AD when Jesus said your house is left desolate, it was now a beast kingdom of its own and not of God but of man. Just like the 6 beast kingdoms before it, that were without God, but it is now the 7th beast kingdom. Jesus said to the generation of that present 7th beast kingdom that they would see the destruction of it. Mat_23:36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.
It lasted only one generation 40 years a very short time compared to all the 6 kingdoms before it and in 70 AD it received its deadly wound while it was trying to take over the roman empire. They did not believe Jesus and falsely thought God would still help them conquer Rome, but this war signaled the downfall of Rome and the destruction of Israel.

Who were the 6 beast kingdoms before Israel became the 7th beast kingdom ?

Rev 17:9 And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, (kingdoms) on which the woman (Satan) sits.
1st Beast kingdom Assyria, 2nd Beast kingdom Egypt, 3rd Beast kingdom Babylon, 4th Beast kingdom Medo - Persia, 5th Beast kingdom Greece, 6th Beast kingdom Rome, 7th last corrupt physical defiled temple kingdom of God Beast kingdom “Israel”

Rev 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen,,;
1st Assyria beast, 2nd Egypt beast, 3rd Babylon beast, 4th Medo-Persia beast, 5th Greece beast, all had fallen by 30 AD.

and one is
6th At the time Revelation was written the Rome beast was “one is”

and the other is not yet come and when he comes, he must continue a short space.
7th last corrupt physical defiled kingdom “Israel beast Nation” Lasted the short time of only 40 years.

So the 7th Israel beast Nation that “was”, become destroyed in 70 AD, and “is not” could this deadly wound ever be healed ?

Rev 17:11 And the beast that was,
(Defiled Israel)
and is not,
(destroyed in AD70)
even he is the eighth,
(healed defiled Israel come in 1948)
and is of the seven, (The same as the previous 7 beast nations listed above that were not of God)
and goes into perdition.
(a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unrepentant person passes after death.)

Could it be the deadly wound that Israel received was healed and came back as the 8th

Rev_13:3 and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
I will be using the word Zionist and what it means basically is someone or some group that believes Jews are still the Chosen people of God even if they say they believe in Jesus. Most Christians are Zionist and wounder after this fake Israel and believe the Israel over in the middle east is a miracle of God that it came back in 1948.
That is when Satan set up shop again and started riding the Jews again having them murdering all the people in Palestine in order to force-ably take back the land God himself had destroy and took from them. Of course the unbelieving Jews hate the Christians in Palestine as well as the non Christian Palestine people because they would not bow down to the Jews as the chosen people of God. The Palestinians still knew what Jesus said about the unbelieving Jews even 68 year ago in the year of 1948 when the extermination of all non Jews in Palestinians started.

This deadly wound being healed refers to the present-day Jews’ illegal confiscation of the land of Palestine, and their continuing genocide of the Palestinians, This prophecy refers to their clandestine and illegal take over of virtually every country in the world through control of each country’s money supply headquartered in the USA, the super power of the world. This includes the Jewish Rothschild's in England (who literally run the world) and the Federal Reserve in the U.S., whose entire Board of Directors is composed of Jews. They also rule the world through the mainstream media that they own in all the country's that promote the belief that we should support Israel because they are the chosen people of God. They use this media to keep the world deceived with this lie that the Jews are the Chosen people of God and should be in charge of it and so all the world wondered after them The definition of wondered is (a feeling caused by seeing something that is very surprising, amazing, etc.), Because the Zionist Christians have been told by the Jews that this recreation of the land is a amazing thing of God they start worshiping them. Because they don't have the knowledge of what the bible says. Hos_4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because they have rejected knowledge, I will also reject them, that they should be no priest to me: seeing they have forgotten the law of there God, I will also forget there children. Because of the Jews’ corrupt business practices, their practicing of the occult doctrines taught in the Talmud, their propensity to take over completely every nation they enter, their destruction of everything moral, noble and good in every nation they enter, their despising of Jesus Christ and ALL the followers of his word for the last 1878 years, they have been reviled by the population of the earth. They have been thrown out of, and banned from, over 100 countries of the world. Do you believe the words of Jesus because, If Jesus said “Not one stone will be left on another. . .” What is the wailing wall ?
What is revered by the Jews of today as the “Wailing Wall” – purported to be a wall of the temple that Jesus was referring to having not one stone left upon another - is not part of the temple at all. According to archaeologists, that wall was part of a totally separate building.
Today's Jews hatred for Jesus is prove that they are NOT spiritual children of Abraham by their continued hated for Jesus and their lack of prove they are the physical ancestors of Abraham, because all the lineage documents were burnt up with the temple in 70 AD. They no longer have anything to tie them to God. They don't believe in Jesus so they no longer have God for their father and now have the devil for their father according to Jesus. Joh_5:23 That all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honors not the Son honors not the Father which hath sent him. They have no choice but to do what the “their father, of the lie” says. Which is to lie and say they are still the chosen people of God.
They no longer have a temple and they have to steel land to have a country. They were wanderers for nineteen hundred and forty six years.
The Zionist Jews are worshiped by all humanity, that are Zionist in nature including Zionist Christians and the Zionist neocons of all governments that tell you to support Israel because the Jews are still the chosen people of God, there is also the “worship” that has already begun with the adulation of Hollywood owners,producers and celebrities (virtually all of whom are Jews), Nobel prize winners (prizes controlled by Jews – and given to Jews), and U.S. government leaders, a large percentage of whom are Jews, including Obama (his mother was Jewish), Bill and Hillary Clinton (her maiden name was Jewish Roditsky – not Rodham), and the following:
Current Jewish Members of the Obama Administration
Tony Blinken
Deputy National Security Advisor
Danielle Borrin
Director of Intergovernmental Affairs; Deputy Director Public Engagement
Gary Gensler
Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Jack Lew
Secretary of the Treasury
Eric Lynn
Middle East Policy Adviser
Matt Nosanchuk
Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement for Jewish Outreach
David Plouffe
Senior Advisor to the President
Dan Shapiro
Ambassador to Israel
Gene Sperling
Director, National Economic Council
Adam Szubin
Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control (Treasury)
Janet Yellen
Chairwoman, Federal Reserve

Former Jewish Members
Ben Bernanke (2006-2013)
Chairman, Federal Reserve
Mary Schapiro (2009-2012)
Chairwoman, Securities and Exchange Commission
Steven Simon (2009-2012)
Senior Director, Middle East/North Africa, National Security Council
Rahm Emanuel (2009-2010)
Chief of Staff to the President
David Axelrod (2009-2011)
Senior Advisor to the President
Elena Kagan (2009-2010)
Solicitor General of the United States
Peter Orszag (2009-2010)
Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Lawrence Summers ('09-'11)
Director National Economic Council
Mona Sutphen (2009-2011)
Deputy White House Chief of Staff
James B. Steinberg ('09-'11 )
Deputy Secretary of State
Dennis Ross (2009-2011 )
Special Assistant to the President
Ronald Klain (2009-2011)
Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Jared Bernstein (2009-2011)
Chief Economist/Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President
Susan Sher (2009-2011)
Chief of Staff to the First Lady
Alice Rivlin
Member, National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility & Reform
Lee Feinstein (2009)
Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor
Mara Rudman (2009)
Foreign Policy Advisor

And including Former President Lyndon Johnson and his wife, Lady Bird (both Jews), Harry S. (for Solomon) Truman, and Franklin Delano (and Eleanor) Roosevelt (changed from Rosenveldt).

We now know who mystery Babylon was and is, the present day Israel come back in 1948 .
The “deadly wound” has been completely “healed” the present day Jews have total control of the world through the supper power nation of world. They don't have to physically kill or force all peoples to worship them, even Christians are already doing it along with the Neocon politicians willingly, because they haven't been spiritual enough to understand what the scriptures mean, they have been deceived, but the ones that follow Jesus's words have not been deceived and are in the book of life.
Like it says in Rev 13:8,15 “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him (the beast power), whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. . . and as many as would NOT worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
How does one “take” the Mark of the Beast Nation Israel?
Many Christian denominations believe that the “mark of the beast” will be a chip in the hand. Indeed, the government would love to “chip” all citizens, but that is not the “mark of the beast.”
The Seventh-day Adventists believe that the “mark of the beast” is adherence to the coming Sunday law. Again, the pope would love for there to be a Sunday law enforced in America and around the world because Sunday is Satan’s day of worship – the worship of the pagan Sun god - rather than the worship of the God of the Bible on the day HE designated as holy – the Seventh-day Sabbath. It was commanded to be keep holy until Jesus came the first time and replaced it with himself because in Joh_5:39 Jesus said Search the scriptures; for in them, you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
So the 7th day testifies of Jesus first coming and we are to rest in him having the truth and proof of the mercy God sent to pay for all our sin except the sin of denying Jesus.
But both the physical understanding of a embedded chip and the worship on a particular day is all a unbeliever can understand because they can not understand things spiritually. The “mark of the beast” will not be able to be discerned by an unbeliever because it is “spiritual” – it involves the character of an individual, and only God knows the heart.
The word “mark” comes from the Greek word character.
You have the “mark of the beast” if you've taken on the beliefs and developed the character of the Beast power;
You will support the killing of innocent women and children in Palestine Just like the Jews wanted the innocent son of man, Jesus, killed. You become like the beast power and call yourselves the chosen people of God or you support them as the chosen people of God like the Zionist Christians and call yourselves a follower of Christ at the same time you support Israels killing of innocent people, Just like the Jews that killed Jesus said they were a follower of Abraham yet wanted to kill Jesus, a innocent man, which now qualifies you as a hypocrite. Just like Jesus called the Jews that wanted to kill him. All these types have the character of Satan. You develop the same immoral characteristics of the beast power by exhibiting the following:

  1. Desire for fame or recognition
  2. Desire for wealth (“The love of money is the root of all evil.” 1 Tim 6:10)
  3. The desire to be “special” (Jews claim to be God’s chosen people; Zionist Christians believe those in their church are the only ones who will be saved by being grafted into the Jews because of their support for them)
  4. Playing the victim; “delight” in suffering. Jews and their Holocaust and everyone hates us. We need billions to protect our self's.
  5. Embracing, endorsing, and delighting in violence, greed, and corruption in movies, on TV, in books, in Hollywood, and in the government.
  6. Lack of real concern for others that don't believe the lie of, Jews are the Chosen people. The “Zionist Christian” response is, “It does not matter what the Jews do or say, they are still the chosen people of God. You are just prejudice antisemites.
  7. “Working for God” rather than being One with God and letting God work through them, including stealing the works and property of others in order to have a “ministry” like the Zionist Christian or stealing “land” like the Zionist Jews. If God was working through you he would provide these things without you having to deceive others with Satan's lies to get it.
    The true test of a saint is not successfulness; it is faithfulness – to Jesus Christ.
    The January 10, 1963 Congressional Record that reveals the 45 things that the Communist New World Order/Jewish Illuminati plan to do to America, most has been accomplished,
    Replacing what Jesus said in the scriptures with social religion that recognizes the Israel over in the middle east as from God himself is one of them that are left, so they are working today and already have made it a law in some country's to make it a hate crime worthy of Jail if you go against them with Jesus's words.

The majority of Christians have turned to the unbelieving Zionist Jews and became Zionist Christians and have already taken the “mark of the beast” without even understanding what they have done because of this false belief that, the unbelieving Jews are still the chosen people of God.
If you claim to be a Christian you have to go by what Jesus himself said when he was talking to the most Jewish people on the planet that refuse to believe him, in Joh_8:44 Quote:You are of your father the devil, Now the whole reason Jesus says this to the Jews is because they didn't believe The father, God, of all creation, when he said he would sent mercy through his son to forgive them and they did not believe what Jesus was saying. So lets make this clear, if someone is of God, they believe in his son Jesus and are the chosen people of God, Joh_1:12 But as many as received him (Jesus), to them gave he power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

but if someone is of the devil they are not of God and Can not be the chosen people of God. The Zionist Christians look like sheep on the outside because they say they believe what Jesus says but speak like the devil because Zionist Christians go directly against the words of Jesus by saying Jews that don't believe in Jesus are not of the devil but are of God. This is the spiritual mark of the Beast. If your leaders of your country do not go along with this belief that you should “Support Israel” because they are the Chosen people of God, you or your country will a be sanctioned and your monetary accounts will be frozen so you can not buy or sell with all the other beast nations, and if that don't work, they will Bomb you and your country into submission like they already have in the middle east to so many country's around Israel and are still doing so today to country's that don't support the beast nation Israel. Besides the word “mark”, meaning, having the mental character of the beast it also points to identifying the beast physically . Like it says in Rev_13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, unless he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. All three of these are one in the same, the mark being the the emblem of a star, the name being Israel that the star represents and the number is the star having 6 points, 6 triangles and a 6-sided hexagon in the middle. If you have the mark of going directly against what Jesus said (whom has been given all power under God by God) and say Jews that don't belief in Jesus are of God rather then going what Jesus said when he said to the most Jewish people on the planet that didn't believe in him in

Joh_8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He (Satan) was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. Its very clear that these Jews did not have the father of all creation God, because they did not have Jesus like it says in 2Jn_1:9 Whosoever transgresses, and abides not in the doctrine of Christ, has not God. He that abides in the doctrine of Christ, he has both the Father and the Son. For those that don't believe that Jews are of the devil because they don't have Christ It says Jn_1:11 For he that bids him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
When Jesus was telling his disciples how he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.
Peter a believer in Christ (a Christian) said “this shall not be unto you.”
Jesus told Peter how he felt about him going directly against the words Jesus just said .....in
Mat_16:23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get behind me, Satan: You are an offense unto me: for you savor not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
Luk_16:15 You are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knows your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. Do you highly esteem Jews that don't believe in Jesus, that justify themselves before men calling themselves The chosen people of God yet don't have the son ?

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Please take this as just a suggestion. This post is way to long for me and covers too many areas for any type of discussion to ensue. Please consider posting on only one subject at a time so as to allow others to discuss.


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