Have you heard the one about how God is recording everything you say and do, and on Judgment Day he’ll show all your dark, dirty secrets on a big TV screen? It’s a frightening thought—but it’s a fiction.
God is not like that. God is love, and love keeps no record of wrongs. Not a diary, not a videotape, nothing. If he’s making a movie of your life, it’s a highlight reel, not a horror flick.
God keeps no videotapes, but we may have quite the collection. They play in the dark cinema of our minds rehashing our regrets, broadcasting our bitter memories, and showing our secret shame.
The dirty tapes of our lives cripple us. They suck the color out of our days and the sleep out of our nights. They keep us from entering the house of grace and enjoying the banquet of God’s favor.
“I cannot come in,” we say. “I’ve done some bad stuff.” And God replies, “I hold nothing against you.”
“But haven’t you seen what I did?” And God replies, “Haven’t you seen what Jesus did?”
Your videotapes don’t belong to you. Jesus purchased them with his blood. If they start playing in your head, change the channel. Look to Christ who is the star of a better movie.
“Happy are those whose wrongs are forgiven, whose sins are pardoned! Happy is the person whose sins the Lord will not keep account of!” (Romans 4:7–8, GNB)
Have a blessed day.
Albright McHeals
Life Transformation
Ministries Int’l-Ho
You should still keep in mind that sin isn't free. God still disciplines his children. We'll still have to give an account of our deeds at the judgment seat of Christ.
(Matthew 12:36 NIV) But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.
(2 Corinthians 5:9-10 NIV) So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. {10} For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
(Hebrews 12:5-11 NIV) And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons: "My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, {6} because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son." {7} Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? {8} If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. {9} Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live! {10} Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. {11} No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
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