Lord is a man of war, Lord is his name. Exodus 15:3
If you don't love me then you will burn forever. ~ Lord God
Well, if by God one means the seven Elohim, planets that make up the chakras in human body, as in the image of God it was made, male and female, thus the first root chakra is controlled by Lord God Jehovah aka Saturn, I AM, and if you don't love your I AM then the life of hell it is literally.
That said, the parents of God, Virgin Mother Goddess and Father of the Beginnings, are the actual Creator, representing beautiful unity of love, truth and peace at the core of all Creation. Father being the Truth at the centre of all Creation, Mother being the Peace as circumference of all Creation, and the Holy Spirit as their Love for one another, the radius, together representing inseparable unity.
The bible is written by the Luciferian Satanic Moseretic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Masonic occultists who are hiding the truth and promote lies, deception, hate, ignorance, perversion, damnation, suffering, and confusion.
Theirs is the works of evil ego minds not the Creator. Creator is truth, love, and peace. All of the Creation of the Creator is good and perfect in every way. Forever and ever, Amen. ♡
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