Mass behavior: crowd, religion and religion, mass media. Public opinion and mood. /part 5/

in godflesh •  6 years ago  (edited)

Socialization can also be a factor of prejudice. An example of this is during totalitarianism, for example, the stimulation of atheistic prejudices directed against every believer in God. For example, Islamic schools, which now form religious preconceptions, are more than performing their socializing functions. If there are any social prejudices in the family, they are transmitted through the socialization process of the child or adolescent. If a person enters a social environment dominated by some preconceptions, tends to easily "learn" them and they become through socialization and your prejudices. The institutions of education, the Internet, the media are very influential. Socialization most often "helps" the birth of a racist Ethnic and religious prejudices.

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The fulfillment of the social roles that accompany and participate in the human being are also a source of prejudices. The nature of prejudices that originate from religion are, as should be expected, mainly religious. But religion is also the source of many other prejudices - gender, class, racist, ethnic. Muslim religion determines the particular status of women and the attitude towards them in the ranks of eastern nations. In the fourth Surah of the Qur'an it is literally said, "Men stand above women with what Allah chooses one before another, chaste women are obedient ..." We can fully justify claiming that religion gives birth to gender prejudices that dominate society with extreme power . Religions justify the existing social prejudices in the best possible way, or they can quickly change them and create new prejudices. The consolidation and validation of prejudices is best done through religious systems.

There is evidence that there is more and more racial prejudice among believers than atheists. There is a strong interrelation between religion and prejudice. If we take into account the religious devotion of the church, the greater the dedication is, the stronger the prejudices, whose mental basis is in the sphere of religion, for example, the Qu-clax-clan, the Freemasonry, the religious credentials and Bulgaria through Turkish slavery. Conversely, as religiosity is a personal, personal, intimate, intimate problem, the person is more free from prejudices. That is why many of the leaders of the civil rights movement are spiritual faces. Culture is a system of a variety of spiritual forms and ways of providing a superior and better life to the people in a society. It is an important characteristic of every society, of every social group. Includes norms, rules and standards in the sphere of aesthetics, ethics, communication, labor. Culture depends too much on the traditions and patterns that have been established over the years in each of these spheres.

Culture, as well as the various fields of art, when internalized as norms, such as personal or group values, such as cultural habits, etc., undoubtedly form social prejudices. They are usually combined with other prejudices. They are not as irreconcilable as may be religious, class or ethnic prejudices, for example. But prejudices born of cultural phenomena often reinforce other prejudices or make them more resilient.

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lovely write for art
thank you for sharing
this lovely part