Why Bible Prophecy Matters! God’s Prophetic Clock, Final Blog

in gods •  6 years ago 

It is hard to believe I have spent the last 10 months with many of you, sharing what I believe is very critical for all Christians and honest inquirers of Jesus Christ to understand, “Why Bible Prophecy Matters”! We are in a unique time in history as so many of the major sign posts that the prophets and Jesus foretold would happen shortly before He would return to set up His eternal kingdom starting with the 1000-year reign. The promise is to all true followers of the Lord Jesus, Jews and Gentiles who make up His Church providing the free gift of eternal salvation and Him giving us His righteousness. A righting of all wrongs (true justice) and a full partaking of a restored world where peace, love and joy will be experienced by all and intimate fellowship with God will be our incredible privilege. It is also important to note that God’s throne is established on both justice and righteousness and again Jesus ensures both are complete through His first and second comings.

It is important to remind you that prophecy is mainly directed to the Nation of Israel (both corrective, judgement and the promises of full restoration), and the ultimate hope of a son of David coming as their Messiah. The remainder are prophetic judgments against the enemies of Israel and it really does matter how one treats God’s chosen people Israel!

The summation of all of God’s prophetic purposes in our world will occur through His Son Jesus. I am currently reading and mediating in the Gospel of Matthew right now, and the opening verse is very powerful, “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham”. Why is this verse so important? Abraham is the founding father of the Jewish people with an everlasting covenant, Genesis 12:1-3, 15: 1-6, 18-20; 17: 1-14 which includes a great nation coming directly from him, the physical land of Israel is promised to his descendants and great blessings would flow through his family line to bless the entire world. Jesus is 100% tied to the complete fulfillment of his father Abraham and the covenant.

Second, Jesus is tied to the Davidic covenant 2 Samuel 7: 12-17. Verse 16, “And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. Your throne shall be established forever”. As we have covered in a prior blog, Jesus is declared King of the Jews as an infant and at His death. He will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords as stated in Rev. 19: 14-16.

The author of Hebrews reaffirms Jesus exalted position to complete God’s prophetic clock, Heb. 1:1-2 “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world”. It will be very important that our focus needs be on Jesus as the prophetic clock ticks towards His second coming which is our blessed hope. So, let me summarize what Jesus has already fulfilled and what to expect He will orchestrate in the days and years ahead.

• Israel was restored to the promised land in 1918 and statehood declared in 1948 fulfilling Ezekiel 36 and 37. There full spiritual awakening will come at the second half of the Tribulation as many reject the Antichrist defiling the Temple and embrace Jesus as their true Messiah. Romans 11:1-2, 7-11 (partial hardening by God for Gentiles benefit), 25-31. God has NEVER forsaken Israel, yes as a Nation they have experienced judgement but we are witnessing their restoration and salvation. God is a God of covenant and cannot lie and as Christians (Jews and Gentiles) we are to pray for Israel’s full reconciliation to God through Jesus our Lord and Savior.

• Daniels 70 weeks declaration (490 years) is extremely important in God’s prophetic clock regarding Israel, Daniel 9: 24-27. Yes, there are multiple views held within the Church how this is to be interpreted. I hold to a literal interpretation and I believe the dispensation view gives us the best understanding. The first 7 x 7 years (49 years) starts with a declaration to rebuild the city by King Artaxerxes and the Temple to Ezra (Ezra 7) 458 BC. From the completion of the city 49 years later then starts the next set of 62 weeks (434 years) that the angel explains to Daniel ending with the anointed one shall be cut off (Jesus fulfills this on the cross). The combined years equals 483 years of this prophecy and it was completed in 33 A.D. by Jesus death as He fulfills Vs. 24 “to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in an everlasting righteousness”. Vs. 26 states after the anointed one is cut off (completing the 62 weeks) then the people of the prince (Rome’s army under General Titus) shall destroy the city and its sanctuary (66-70 A.D.). It was an extremely difficult period in Israel’s history as desolation's are decreed. This has been 100% fulfilled historically.

• I believe we will all experience a severe global economic crisis in the near future which will eventually lead to a financial reset of how we transact with each other. The crisis is due to extreme corruption in governments, the banking system and too much DEBT personally, corporate, governments and derivatives. I did a whole blog on how to prepare, and you need to take this seriously.

• The Tribulation cannot take place until a framework for a 10 regional government is in place. Some believe the 10 Kings will come out of the EU and others believe they will be global Kings and it may very well be a combination of both. As the birth pang signs intensify, with wars and a serious economic meltdown these will lay the stage for a needed world solution. Do not be deceived this is NOT God’s solution, but Satan’s and rebellious mankind. The Antichrist will most likely arise out of the EU, and he will not be Muslim as some assert since most Jews would not embrace him.

• Daniels final weeks (7 years) still remains to come to pass. It is based on a seven-year strong covenant made to Israel by the Antichrist and he breaks the treaty at the mid-point by ending the sacrifices and the offering. This is the “Abomination of Desolation” that both Jesus and Paul reference that will come in the last days before He returns Matt. 24: 15-22 and 2 Thes. 2: 3-5.

• The 3rd Temple must be rebuilt to fulfill this prophecy and most likely it will be included in the 7-year covenant with Israel. As mentioned in a prior blog, the Temple Institute in Israel is making all the preparations to ensure this becomes a reality sometime in the near future. The first red heifer was just recently born in Israel for the first time in over 2000 years, and a pure red heifer is absolutely necessary to purify the priests and the new Temple once built.

• We have discussed in detail in an earlier blog series the seven feasts of God and their prophetic fulfillment through Jesus (4 spring feast at Jesus first coming fulfilled, and the 3 fall feasts at His 2nd coming).

• I also believe we are most likely in the period right now that Jesus referred to as the beginning of the “Birth Pangs” as mentioned in Matthew 24: 4-8, Mark 13:4-8 and Luke 21: 8-11. We are seeing all of these warnings ramping up in frequency and in intensification. Deception, wars, conflict with opposing nations and internal divisions of many countries worldwide. Famines, disease outbreaks and earthquakes are all on the rise. We could also add mega storms and volcanic eruptions to this list (I am not adding the Scripture, but stating the obvious) as these two are also on the rise. This is NOT the tribulation period, but these are serious warnings and God is trying to get our attention so we repent and return to Him with all of our hearts. In each of these passages’ persecution is added and this too is intensifying worldwide against both Christians and Jews.

• We are overdue for a major war, and the Ezekiel 38-39 War has all of the key players/enemies of Israel gathered right now north of Israel in Syria. I will not be surprised if we see this epic war unfold in the next year or two. God will intervene for Israel as a witness to the entire world that He still loves His people Israel.

• Damascus will also be uninhabitable and a heap of ruins (Isaiah 17) and this war may cause this destruction to fulfill the prophecy.

• The push to a one world government is unfolding right before our eyes and the technology to track ever human is already here. As Daniel stated, "Knowledge will increase in the last days" and we are seeing how it can been used to for either good or evil with all the new technology, (AI, Internet of Things, Blockchain/Crypto, Quantum Computing, Tracking everyone, etc).

• The current Catholic Pope is calling all people to join him in a world ecumenical movement and he is a UN spokesman. His false message of "being good is enough", and this is not based on Biblical salvation. The Pope has abandoned many other Biblical doctrines like salvation through Jesus only and declared hell does not exist, the Biblical definition of marriage, and his lack of Biblical standards around sexual purity are examples. The Bible warns us of a false prophet in Revelation 13, who will deceive the world with false sign and wonders and calls mankind to worship the Antichrist. I am not attacking the Catholic Church as I have friends who are born again Catholics, but this Pope is very different than past Popes.

• World crises are used by the One or New World Order movement to further their agenda (financial crisis, major wars and disease outbreaks) and with the control of the media they constantly issue propaganda to deceive and further enslave mankind. The Globalist are the creators of “False or Fake News”. To the best of your ability turns off the mainstream media and focus on God’s Word and encourage your friends at the nearness of Jesus second coming…hey, why not have a Bible study instead and pray together. The Church truly needs to learn to love one another practically and spiritually especially as we see the day approaching.

• I have clearly taught that I believe we will go through most of the tribulation period and we will be raptured at the last and seventh Trumpet as recorded in Rev. 11: 15-19 and it unfolds in Rev. 14: 14-16. This is validated in Matt. 24: 29-31; Mark 13: 24-27; Luke 21: 25-28; 1 Cor. 15:51-56; I Thes. 4:13-18; 2 Thes. 2:1-5; and Rev. 20: 4-6 and how can there be a pre-trib. rapture as there is only one “First Resurrection” and some of brother and sisters in Christ are beheaded, and all believers did not worship the beast or its image, or receive his mark on their foreheads or hands? There are many Christians found in the book of Revelation including the 144,000 Jewish witnesses, the Two Witnesses, and in Rev. 12 it tells us when Satan is cast down to the earth and we believers conquer him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death Rev. 12: 7-12.

• These are the clearest Bible passages related to the Rapture, and none of them declare a pre-trib. rapture but the actual opposite. I will love those who teach otherwise since they are brothers and sister in Christ and it is not a salvation issue; however it is extremely important we base our doctrine on what the Bible clearly teaches and not on what we hope for. The Church will be raptured before the FULL WRATH of God is poured out in the seven Bowl Judgments (In Rev. 15 to 18 no Christians are mentioned as we are enjoying at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven before we return with Christ to rule and reign for the 1000-years, Rev. 19: 1-10.

• Finally, be alert of false teachers and sadly some come from within the Church with watered down non-biblical messages. Find Christian leaders that preach the full Gospel and support and love them (Jesus died on the Cross for our complete salvation (body, soul and spirit), He was resurrected on the 3rd day so we too one day will experience physical resurrection at the first resurrection, He ascended to the right hand of the Father and has been given ALL Authority so we can go in His name and preach the Gospel to all Nations and He is coming back as Judge, King and Lord). We need to embrace and love those who preach the whole Bible with sound doctrine and flee those who don't!

My brothers and sisters in Christ (and those who have not yet turned to follow Christ and yet are honest seekers), I encourage you to be spiritually alert and faithful to Christ Jesus calling upon your life. As the Apostle Paul declared in 2 Timothy 3 1-7 (Vs.1) “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty”. Difficulty, suffering for Christ and trials are all essential for us to build character, perseverance and form a daily dependence upon Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Currently, I have been going through some deep waters on several levels for several months now (most likely many of you are well), but I rejoice and by His grace I will get through this season and so will you if we both keep our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. Thank you for reading my blog, “Why Bible Prophecy Matters”, and may you be encouraged as our Lord Jesus will soon return! Love in Christ!

From a friend, Bill W…if you have found these studies insightful and encouraging pass them on to a friend! Maranatha…Our Lord, come!

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