Why Bible Prophecy Matters! “God’s Prophetic Wars”. Part Three

in gods •  7 years ago 

As I mentioned in the first Blog, we need to keep our eyes on what is currently unfolding in Syria and it continues to intensify and the lines are been drawn in the sand with opposing forces (mainly Russia/Iran/Syria and the USA/Israel and others forces). No Nation mentioned above can claim innocence in this horrible conflict and all have participated in the severe destruction of many innocent people. This leads me to transition to the timing of this coming war.

The rational that most give (Recent Bible Prophecy Teachers) that believe the War of Gog and Magog is the same one listed in Revelation 20:8-10 is based on Ezekiel 39: 21-29. Vs. 22 states, “The house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God, from that day forward”. Vs. 25 “Therefore thus says the Lord God, Now I will restore the fortunes of Jacob and have mercy on the whole house of Israel, and I will be jealous for my holy name”. Also, Vs. 29 provides a strong message of God faithfulness to Israel and Him pouring out His Spirit upon them”. So, the idea goes that this could only happen at the end of the Millennium since it provides a strong argument for complete restoration for Israel as a people. Therefore, the Ezekiel war and Revelation war are the same.

But, I need to remind those teachers, similar promises are made in Ezekiel 36 and 37 of reviving His people; however, in both cases there has been no full repentance of the Nation. My point is this, the restoration of Israel both physically and spiritually is a gradual process much like our own sanctification as believers. The Ezekiel 38-39 war will be a further awakening to more of our Jewish brethren becoming saved, but not the whole Nation coming to repentance. So, I strongly believe the sequence of Ezekiel 36 to 48 is progressive and follows a continuous timetable over many decades and ultimately the Millennium. The land is restored Ezek. 36. Israel as a people are brought back to life and safely dwelling in their land Ezek. 37. The Gog and Magog War will be disastrous for Israel’s enemies, but further awaken more Jews Ezek. 38-39. Ultimately the Millennial Temple is built and the Prince of David (Jesus) will rule from it for the 1000-year reign Ezek. 40-48.

The Apostle Paul states in Roman 11: 1-10, 25-36 that God has not given up on His people, but they have experienced a partial hardening and blindness for the sake of the Gentiles until the fullness of the Gentile is complete. Throughout all of Church history there have been a remnant of Messianic believers, and today there are hundreds of thousands of Jewish born again believers in Israel and throughout the Nations of the earth. However, the full spiritual salvation to Israel cannot happen until the times of the Gentiles is complete.

This will happen after the Temple has been rebuilt and desecrated with the Antichrist seating himself as god, and a powerful revival will follow in the last half of the Tribulation period leading to the majority of Israel being saved. Zech. 12: 10-11 sates, “Israel will mourn over the one they pierced”. It is very important to note, that it was NOT Israel or the Jewish people as a whole that put Jesus on the cross. In fact, is was a very small number of Jewish religious elites and the power of Rome (Governor Pilate) that facilitated the crucifixion.

Of equal importance, Jesus went willingly to die on the cross of His own volition, to fulfill prophecy and His Fathers amazing plan of salvation due to His incredible love for His fallen children. All humans Jews and Gentiles have a part in the story of Calvary, however that is not the point of the cross. Quite the contrary, Jesus shed His perfect blood and died was not to blame people or judge us, but to bring salvation, 100% forgiveness and reconciliation to the Jew first and the Gentile second. So, let us join together in praise for the goodness of our Heavenly Father and Jesus our King whether Jew or Gentile.

I strongly believe the Revelation 20: 7-10 war with the same name Gog and Magog is a completely separate war for a number of clear reasons. The Ezek. 38-39 war tells us that God puts a hock in the jaw of Gog (who comes from the far North of Israel) and draws him and his small coalition of nations to attack Israel for her spoils. The army covers the mountains of Israel. The Revelation war tells us that Satan has been released from his captivity for a little while to deceive the Nations once again (his specialty) and Satan initiates this war. Satan gathers a great army from the four corners of the earth (the entire world) and causes one final rebellion and war against Christ’s Kingdom.

The Ezek. 38-39 war tells us God begins His judgement against this vast army with a massive earthquake, followed by disease outbreaks, the enemy killing each other and torrential rain, hailstones and fire from heaven. Rev. 20 tells us the final war comes as the army marches across the great plains of the earth (there will be tremendous changes to the earth surface when Christ returns…we covered this in an earlier blog) and they surround Jerusalem and the camp of the Saints. This war is decisively won by God, as He sends FIRE from Heaven and consumes the rebels and completely different that how the Ezek. 38-39 war ends.

The Bible is clear that there will be many nations during the Millennial reign and children will be born and they are not saved as we are today and can sin. You may have heard, “God has no grand-children, but only first born”. This is theologically sound, all individuals must be BORN AGAIN and come to a personal decision to repent and believe upon the Lord Jesus as Savior and King. Despite people living in the closest to a perfect time in human history under Christ Rule, (except for Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden before the Fall) individuals still will need to repent and embrace Christ.

Unfortunately, from Revelation 20 we are told that many will not surrender to Christ as King. These millennium people will do as many do today and they will follow the Great Deceiver and end their lives in rebellion. God has made no person a puppet, but He has given us a free will to either chose Him or the Father of Liars. History will once again repeat itself at the end of the 1000 years with a tragic war. This time the GREAT REBEL SATAN will find his JUST END and be thrown into the LAKE of FIRE to be tormented forever and ever.

Based on the above evidence of Scripture these are two completely different wars. I have already covered the War of Armageddon when Jesus returns on some future Day of Atonement to over throw the Antichrist and his global army and this is found in Joel 3:2, 9-16, Zech. 14: 1-9, Rev. 16: 12-20. There are several similarities in each of these passage; first all the nations of the earth are gathered against Jerusalem. It is the Lord Jesus and His saints who will battle the kings of the earth. The event happens on the “Day of the Lord or the Great Day of God”. There are signs in the heavens effecting the sun, moon and stars and a great earthquake. For these reasons, I believe these passages describe the same event.

Another mention of war that is still to come is found in Revelations 6. The fourth seal of the seven seal judgments manifests with war and its devastating consequences. Vs. 8 “And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they where given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth”. I am reminded of Jesus words in Matthew 24: 21 “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be”. We are not given any details of this war; however, the demon’s called Death and Hades have authority to destroy one quarter of humanity. Terrible will be those days!

We have concluded the Prophetic Wars of God and these are very sobering topics; however, it is necessary to know what is coming so we can prepare our hearts and stand firm in Christ and provide hope to a growing broken world. I would love to hear your feedback and let me know any future prophecy topics that you would like clarity on.

Remember, prophecy is revelation from God to inform us, instruct us, prepare us and not to cause us to live in fear. Fear is a great enemy of our souls and our minds! We are NOT called to live in fear, but in love, with a sound mind and with God’s supernatural power which leads to faith. 2 Tim. 1:7. I just read recently in my daily time with God, “We can live in either fear or faith, but you cannot live in both. We must choose which path we will follow”. I encourage you to let God’s prophetic words strengthen you and elevate your hearts and minds to live from an eternal perspective. As Paul exhorts all of us in Colossians 3:1-2, “If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on the things that are on the earth.”

Not only do I have a passion to study and read God’s Word, but I am also a Life Insurance Broker and Financial Advisor. I have spent the last 12 plus years intently studying global financial markets, geopolitics, monetary history, precious metals, and market cycles so I can be informed discerning the times and protect my client’s wealth with sound solutions. So, I will begin a new series next week, “The Coming Economic Collapse and How to Prepare”. The Bible does have a few references to financial matters in the last days which we will look at, but much of my commentary with come from reputable secular sources.

As a reminder, if you have questions or would like me to clarify Bible Prophecy questions you might have. Please let me know. Blessings

From a friend, Bill W…if you have found these studies insightful and encouraging pass them on to a friend! Maranatha…Our Lord, come!

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