Want to start a comedic YouTube channel and possibly some vines on Instagram. Apparently, from what I'm told I have a back from making people chuckle. The format was just going to be about the current events and my point of view on it, with a comedic spin. Now I know many people do these type of things, not like how o would do it. Most people say I have a certain charisma to me. I don't really see it, but they do, and maybe you will to. I researched how much a good channels set up take, and apparently it is upwards of over 10k which is insane, so I told my friends that I will do the channel, but it would have to be done right. From what I'm told, and have come to find out is that. "People have a very short attention span, they need to be grabbed quick" I'm quoting a friend of mine. They said " You need
A great camera (upwards of $5000
A great Mic ($300)
Great Lighting ($200 for Hall lights) or free if you live somewhere with great natural light)
Because they are going to want to Hear you clearly, see you with no buffering and camera not auto focusing and you want it to last you awhile and the lighting, let's face it, if you are scrolling for something to watch, you want something bright and clean looking, anything dim and you are skipping over that, we all do it subconsciously.
And Amazing editing computer with tons of memory (everywhere I look Mac book pro comes up, and thats about $3k with tax)
External Hard drives and SD cards ($200 to $300 depending on sales)
A great editing program ($200 to $500)
And different type lenses ( $250 to $800)
Great back drop (if you have a good clean wall it will work if not, $100 or so)
Starting a channel, So if interested share, like comment, or just upvote the hell out of this so i can start it, and hopefully entertain you guys!