Have you noticed they are always around you and always after your worth and not the labour or work you put into getting that amount.
Gold digging has become a paid job for a lot of people not differentiating their gender. These people always create a relationship with people they feel they can get from and milk out their share of wealth. These people always tend to be around when they have something financial to gain (financial benefit) and they are known as gold diggers
Unlike the ancient gold miners that dig for treasures around and sell them to make a living, gold diggers dig for very rich ladies and men who they can dig out money and other financial benefits from a place where they did not do any work.
Did you ever wonder why a friend, fiance or fiancee is asking prying questions about your wealth accumulation and how much you have spare to spend or how much of liquid cash you have?
Maybe you noticed you gave your friend a card or flower and they trash it because it doesn't look expensive.
Maybe you also noticed that your fiance or fiancee ties your love life to money or gifts you promise them, then they might be gold diggers as well.
Some people love to pay for things they buy and do not like others paying for them but a gold digger never gives it a trial to pay for things with their money when they are around their their subjects.
They do not show interest in things that interest their subjects, they are only interested in the monetary part of their subject.