Things are not currently what they appear to be.

in gold •  2 years ago 


All things are happening for a reason - with the criminal establishment still going forward with their corporate controlled surveillance police state disguised as concern for the health of the world’s public - as the general public continues with a slow political awakening while looking for ways to become independent from the establishment’s entire interlocking matrix grid that supplies somewhere just under 100%, of what the average consumer consumes.

Make no mistake - the bankers controlling the finance and monetary systems were not so incompetent they didn’t know their policies over the last fifty years would eventually lead to a substantial economic collapse that’s happening in stages right now.

Looking back at the chain of events that brought all of this about, I consider the current decline of the US and dollar to have began when they took the dollar off the gold standard in 1971. We could actually go back to 1913 and the beginning of the US government transferring power to the privately owned Federal Reserve and international banks the Fed owners were invested in, but then we’d need to note the resets that took place as a result of the Great Depression and later following WWII. Taking the dollar off the gold standard in 1971 was the major set up move that enabled so many subsequent crimes to occur through the printing of endless fiat currency - to the point of ruin when combined with all other relevant factors.

The US led West started shipping factories, jobs and tax revenues to low wage countries in earnest during the late 1970’s. Reagan was the first to openly cater to corporate interests after the civil rights era. Since 9-11 became the excuse for the preplanned and fake War on Terrorism, globalists elites have been sucking the wealth out of the US before it was even made by being heavily invested in the taxpayer funded weapons industries and multinational corporations that profit off looted resources. Add the handouts to banks and corporations since the bundled mortgage pyramid scheme collapse in 2008, plus handouts from Covid policies and now the Ukraine Conflict - and we’ve gone from $6 Trillion in debt to an unsustainable and unplayable $30 Trillion and climbing since 2001.

The US “empire” and dollar are going down as a direct result of the last fifty years of globalist supremacist mismanagement and malfeasance policies carried out by US and Western politician puppets, along with the entire Western establishment “news and entertainment” propaganda media industries - all at the expense of their respective countries and citizens as well as the expense worldwide humanity in the form of war crimes committed while the globalists propped up puppet dictators to essentially steal the natural resource inheritance from indigenous populations.

There’s five decades of intentional mismanagement and malfeasance that needs reconciling.

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