in government •  7 years ago 

Hello everyone, today is day 8 in the inquiry that is currently happening here regarding the Guptas/Zuma and State Capture. I don't know where it will end up or what the outcome will be but let us wait and see.

Today they have sworn in two specialists via a live feed from Washington. They are Dr. Danial Kaufmann who runs a think tank on corruption and Professor Joel Hellman , who is a Dean at school of foreign service at Georgetown University.They will not be supplying evidence but more about explaining what corruption is and how it affects State Capture. I honestly believe it is a good move to have an outside influence but maybe it should have happened on day one. I understand it is going to be a lengthy inquiry but they should have started at the beginning so everyone involved can understand how and why it occurs. Who knows it may point to other people that haven't even been considered.

One of Kaufmann's first sentences will raise eyebrows as the government doesn't like any form of criticism but he has said a country with low levels of political and economic competition were susceptible for State Capture. In South Africa that is very true as there is very little political competition against the ANC and has become a culture amongst the majority just to vote for them.

One thing which has come out and makes more sense now is that SAA (South African Airways) suddenly stopped it's Johannesburg to Mumbai route which was a profitable one for the struggling airline. The average flight was 88 percent full for this particular route. The reason behind it was the Gupta's had a connection and an agreement with Jet Airways who they used to ferry their friends and family with for that famous wedding. Ethiad Airways now has a stake in Jet Airways and has a monopoly on the South Africa India route now.

How many other major international companies are going to be shown in a bad light and what punishments will come of it. SAA has been struggling for many years and receives government bail outs. It is no surprise that every person who has taken charge of the failing airline had to be aware of what was going on. I have said on many occasions that it wouldn't be difficult to fix and it would be appointing someone who had the know how and the leverage to do whatever was required. By appointing puppets who listened to the government this was never going to happen. Billions have been lost into this black hole alone at the countries expense.

We will follow this and see if any other nuggets come out over the coming weeks but I will be paying close attention as I find it fascinating. There is always a reason for something to happen and one never has to look very far. What I find funny is that it is so simple and not even devious, just plain crooked.

The other news that came out today was the head of the National Prosecuting Authority retired with full benefits. This was someone that was appointed under Zuma and it is good news, maybe not the full benefits bit though. I think they are trying to show that they are cleaning the shop window as the spotlight will be on them when and if the Zuma trial starts.

Image source. pininterest.

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I hope the two Americans have bullet proof windows

Lucky for them they are doing the feed from Washington in the States.

To be so Bold as to control air flight assets...they really screwed SA

Hi empress. It really is bad when you think how much control they had. To be able to take away flight paths and give it to other carriers for personal gain is something that should never happen.

howdy sir cryptoandcoffee! what losers.. man I hope something improves out of all this. so desperately needed and thank you for keeping us up to date on the situation.