in government •  7 years ago 

The criminal Socialist experiment in Venezuela is simply a repeat of history that repeats itself over and over and over again. No Socialist nation has ever lifted itself out of poverty and into prosperity. Not one single socialist country has ever survived long term. Venezuela has had more than 4 decades of encroaching socialist programs and the last two decades turning full on socialists.

Venezuela is now another completely failed social experiment nation. Folks are now eating zoo animals & charging across the Columbian boarders to get food and supplies for survival. Venezuela used to be the economic steam engine of South America. But no longer. In Venezuela, you can now be murdered for grabbing the last roll of toilet paper in the grocery store.

The next step is straight up blood shed from the criminal socialists who want nothing more than to maintain power. And as you can see in the story below, bloodshed is already being seriously discussed. Humans who seek positions of power to FORCE everyone else to PAY & OBEY for their political "promises" are sociopathic psychopaths.

I pray for the day we as a human race evolve past the idea of the platform called "government" which gives these psychotic nut jobs perceived power to force everyone to PAY & OBEY from cradle to grave. Statism is all its ugly forms always results in the destruction of society. Socialist/communist/liberal governments arrive at disaster far quicker than neo cons/facists/right wingers because of the right wing embracing somewhat free market enterprise.

But make no mistake about it, they are still forcing folks to PAY & OBEY from cradle to grave and will simply take longer to collapse. Its time to wake up and begin discussing ways we can all grow our economy, increase peace and push the entire nation towards new levels of prosperity ABSENT any form of forced government.

The sad part is the indoctrinated won't even discuss how to get to a government free society. Its not open for discussion to almost everyone one the left and about half on the right. The fact that folks who even bring up the possibility of life without rulers are looked at as "nut jobs" is indeed very sad.

READ STORY HERE -> http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/venezuela/article210363554.html


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Government always leads to tyranny!