What is cancer? Cancer cells are a naturally occurring phenomenon in our bodies. They only become a problem when the growth of these cells becomes uncontrolled, unmonitored, and exponential. Refined sugar is a known cause of cancer. Refined sugar is a direct fuel for cancer cells and allows cancer to hijack our bodies (1). The body is then tricked into perpetuating the need to grow the cancer. Malignant cancer is an unproductive outgrowth (i.e. tumor) that saps energy and productivity from our bodies; ultimately to the point of death.
This only becomes possible when sugar is processed in a way to remove it from its natural state. Our bodies need natural plant sugars for energy. The trouble comes when we think we can outsmart nature by ‘refining’ the sugar to an even higher energy state (free energy). A ‘sugar high’ is an unnatural, unhealthy, and addicting reaction to a food product that has been decoupled from its natural state.
I find this to be an absolutely perfect analogy for what government has become. See the similarities...
What is government? Government is a naturally occurring phenomenon in any economy. They only become a problem when the growth of the institution becomes uncontrolled, unmonitored, and exponential. Excess liquidity (free money) is a known cause of malignancy. Excess liquidity is a direct fuel for malignant government and allows it to hijack our economy. The economy is then tricked into perpetuating the need to grow government. Malignant government is an unproductive outgrowth that saps money and productive capacity from the productive private sector, ultimately to the point of total poverty (or death).
This only becomes possible when governments control the money supply by removing the gold standard, artificially reducing interest rates, and setting up central banks to give themselves unlimited funding. Our economy and governments need money to function. The trouble comes when governments think they can outsmart the free market by controlling the economy in order to derive even more prosperity (through free money). ‘Market bubbles’ are an unnatural, unhealthy, and addicting reaction to a money supply that has been decoupled from the natural world of free market economics.
Governments have become malignant on a global scale, and they actively threaten the livelihoods of people all over the globe. To my knowledge, nowhere in the world does a true gold standard exist. The options for removing the cancer are chemo and radiation (nuclear war) or a return to a natural diet of gold standards and government constraint. I think we’d all like to get through this in good health.
(1)www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNtjV3j3Tp4 Dr. Michael Farley