As we enter into extremely low forecasts sunspot numbers for Solar Cycle 25, not only is the entire amount of solar activity forecast to be less during Solar Cycle 25 and 26, but the warming is decreasing each successive Sunspot Cycle. You would expect crop losses, early winters and early falls to start pervading our planet as was forecast as we rolled through the bottom of Solar Cycle 24.

Yahoo Japan, story says that will cool down to below freezing in Hokkaido, this is the same place we saw all time earliest record snow on August 18th in Hokkaido Island. They even mentioned that the previous season’s first freeze was recorded September 28th, so this puts at almost half a month before. Mount Fuji in Asahikawa earliest to recorded freezing temperatures 1888 and YabuKawa 1981 and 2018, and here we are again some of the earliest cold in Japan recorded this year. Just makes you wonder what type of cycle we’re going to be repeating.

We have that dark blue cluster at the top of Hokkaido Island, very North, when you come down and get those two blue dots that’s where Sapporo had a major quake last week.

Talking about wilting and dying, Sydney Morning Herald, I did a full crop loss report with the USDA, they were light footed talking about Australia last week and I understand why now. Straight from the federal government of Australia, crops to be down 46% from last year. If you can look at individual areas, Queensland and Victoria forecast to go into extreme drought and those regions are down 38% and down 29%. Wonderful photo there, that was included in the article Australian Bureau of Agricultural resources economics.

Giving us some more numbers here, this should actually shake you awake. If it’s not, you have to remember South Africa is going into almost zero production due to the politics down there. That’s a major grain producer, that’s going to go to zero, and if we take a look at the numbers here the total forecasts 2018–19 in Australia of 3.89 million tonnes, that’s not even a quarter of what the massive 14.78 million tonnes crop was in 2010 and 2011. It has dropped that much in this particular area on the planet, now add in South Africa and the massive drought going off in northern China. Add in the severe cold which is decimated at least at the very minimum one million acres in Canada and they’re still trying to get to damage estimates in there.

Wherever you look across the planet its decline, Central Europe, Eastern Europe massive drought & declines, it’s all adding up. When you start to see prices like this for milling wheat more than doubling a tonne, what’s going on? Futures markets are going to start pricing this in and your food prices are going to be rising exponentially as we move forward through the end of this year and into 2019. It’s going to get worse next year, that’s the whole thing. It’s going to amplify, there’s going to be less food next year, and there’s going to be less food less less food shall I say as we begin in 2020–2021.

This is a game changer, this is a reset button for society truly it is. I hope you’re preparing, it’s the reason I’m doing these videos. I’m doing it because I want you to be prepared, because if you’re prepared we’re all more prepared, and this is how we all survive and prosper and thrive together.

With that being said I am also loading a secondary backup channel on BITCHUTE adapt2030, if you’re over there please subscribe to the channel. I’m just starting to have about 150 videos up in to their platform so far.

If you like this type of analysis, take it on the go with Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast, thirty minutes piecing together how the intensifying Eddy Grand Solar Minimum will affect your life over the next 5 years.
*** Today’s Story Links ***
Wilting and dying’: Crops down 46 per cent in eastern states as drought bites https://www.smh.com.au/business/the-e...
It will cool down to -0.9 ° C at the freezing point Hokkaido Numa River in the nation’s first season this season https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20...
Sunspot Observatory closed due to security issue
Sunspot Solar Observatory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunspot...
Coldest Place in Canada https://www.currentresults.com/Weathe...
MIAC #105 Substantial Crop Losses Globally & The Economics of Rising Food Prices

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