This video was originally published 24/5/2019

Great Lakes are massive bodies of water in North America. Now, an article from the Great Lakes Echo reads, Canadian study: Wide water levels swings, erratic snowfall in store for the Great Lakes. They are already informing you of the tumultuous weather because of the Grand Solar Minimum, which they mislabeled as the ‘climate change’.

We see the exact phraseology again, “Canada is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world”, but notice this counterintuitive analogy, they said that this could increase snowfall.

This amazing collage of the same headlines, but with changed location, was sent by one of my subscribers. As you can see, Canada is warming twice as fast, even Singapore, Tibet, the mountains, the UK, Australia, Sweden, Adirondacks, and everywhere else is warming twice as fast as everywhere else. The world is warming twice as fast as itself

Also, when I was doing research for this article, I stumbled across two more headlines that say, “Great Lakes Basin warming twice as fast as the rest…”. But take a look at the similarities of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and the Detroit Free Press. Do you think they are from the same company, or the same media outlet with the same coding and website design? Everything is exactly the same in this headline. What happened to investigative journalism?

And again, another ‘copy paste’, “warming climates should reduce snowfall in the Great Lakes”. But in a paragraph earlier, it said that it was going to increase the snowfall and there will be less ice on the lakes. Are these really told by experts?

Then they have this chart of the Great Lakes Annual Maximum Ice Coverage from 1973 to 2019 showing less ice. Really? I have seen the exact opposite of what these experts claim they know.

Again these ‘Climate Scientist Experts” are guaranteeing that the lakes were going to completely dry out due to climate change. But then here we are, two years later, High water levels expected in the Great Lakes.

I chased down a couple of referenced articles where the climate experts claimed that the lakes are going to dry out. First one, Climate change is lowering Great Lakes water levels. Should towns and cities even be allowed to tap into the lakes due to us, bad humans. In the first paragraph, it reads, “partially due to climate change, the water levels in the Great Lakes are getting very low. This, according to the experts from the National Resources Defense Council, is because of you, this is not a cycle.

Then in the National Geographic, I noticed that they used the phrase ‘climate change’ 15 times in this article, but more importantly, it says here that in the Lake Superior basin, the increasing evaporation is due to climate change.
So, again you are responsible for everything that is going on. Whether it is more rain or less rain or more snow or less, you are still responsible. I wish they could get their stories straight. Is it more, or less? You have to applaud them for covering all the bases, in case it goes in either direction. They can still get the credit of predicting whatever climate event that unfolds.

Looking back a 100-year highwater level was something not predicted by these ‘climate experts’. What is really going on? Do you think this is because of the Grand Solar Minimum, the increased precipitation due to cosmic rays and the centennial minimum cycle?

Also, low tide water level swings, Global Warming is to be blamed. Now, it is the high water that is to blame on Global Warming. Does this ever stop?

Look at the beach erosion when we get to the 100-year water levels of 2017. I thought we were going to dry out, why are these people still getting funds? Why doesn’t the mainstream media call these people out for their bad predictions?

Look at Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, we are going back to the 1998 and the heavy El Niño.

Now we are again in a heavy El Niño year in 2018–2019. We are repeating a pattern.

The same thing is observed in Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Notice where the high-level water marks were. That was the massive El Niño back in 1998.

In another article, it said, “Lake Erie expected to tie record May high…”. This means that every single lake is expected to be at record levels.

And when we see something like Lake Ontario blasting through every record ever set, it makes you ask, “What happened to those predictions of evaporating lakes?”

They are now even talking about Great Lakes spilling over the edges. Those are all five lakes, so it will be a massive amount of water. Where is that coming from? It is from snowmelt and increased precipitation.

It is not CO2, it is not you, it is the Sun heading to a Grand Solar Minimum.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this, I produce the Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go through your day.
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(MIAC #220) Is Volcanic Ash Responsible for Summer Snow in the Northern Hemisphere ?

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*** Today’s Story Links ***
Climate change is lowering Great Lakes water levels. Should Waukesha be allowed to tap into the Lakes?
High water levels expected in Great Lakes this summer
El Nino warming
Great Lakes Water levels
Canadian study: Wide water level swings, erratic snowfall in store for Great Lakes
Great Lakes Basin warming faster than other parts of country, new study finds
Great Lakes states are warming faster than the rest of the country, more flooding is in store
Warming Lakes: Climate Change and Variability Drive Low Water Levels on the Great Lakes
Climate change is lowering Great Lakes water levels. Should Waukesha be allowed to tap into the Lakes?
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